
May 07, 2010 17:29

Yes, this is me spamming you, but piratesswoop tagged me for the meme again and she gets her own post because she sent me milk and cookies ♥ Some of you all may soon be milk and cookied. I would milk and cookie everyone who's been nice to me these past few entries, but sadly I can only send five, and it'll be a tough choice as it is!

Also, as news reports, it's apparently ontd_ai's first birthday. We probably have them to thank for the fact we keep getting free v-gifts to send in the first place, after the whole snowflake cookie debacle.

Countdown to psychologist: three days. I'm freaking out but there's nothing to say about it that hasn't already been said. At least Sunday is Mother's Day though. I'm taking my mum to the Pancake Parlour for breakfast, which I am far too excited about because DELCIOUS FOODZ OM NOM NOM.


they'll take the future we'll never have :: bijoou
Kate and Sawyer. Yes, dun dun dun, I'm a Skater, and I also like Kate. It's funny, way back in the early days of Lost when I used to go on forums and write really bad fic, that wasn't blasphemous, but for whatever reason it is now. I used to have a more shippy Skate icon, I think (I know I used one of my own for a while) but I wound up going with this one because it's pretty and doesn't scream out my allegiance, which is important when ontd_lost hates Kate. For the record, I hate the whole triangle thing as much as anyone else but I like Sawyer and I like Kate and I like them together. And 'Whatever The Case May Be' is one of my favourite eps, if I'm honest. Yeah, I know, I'm a weird one.

I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me... but I can't help it that I'm so popular. :: me
lol Mean Girls. I seriously needed a Mean Girls icon, and I made a whole bunch of them which, while looking fine on the ages old CRT monitor we used to have, look a bit crap on my laptop screen. That would be why this one is a tad murky. My Mean Girls icons did however get second place in the challenge they were entered in, and everyone needs a Mean Girls icon, so yay.

but it doesn't mean i'm on his side :: roonzil @ leaf_icons
Ah, Roger. This was my only tennis icon for a while last year when I was first getting into the fandom basically because I love him, sometimes maybe even a tiny bit more than Rafa. It's simple and it has nice colours and I got so used to associating it with my comments in ontd_tennis last year that I still get a bit confused when someone else uses it, haha. Basically, though, you can count on Roger, whether it be to win slams or be your go-to tennis icon. I also kind of love him for winning AO this year because Murray taking it would, quite honestly, have been the cherry on top of my sad tennis-hiatus cake.

chances are :: fullonswayzeed
Hello, Chris Pine~ Way back before Mr Pine became famous for his star trekking ways, my friend thelockerboy created chrispinefans after falling in love with him in Just My Luck. (Yes, the Lindsay movie). She eventually stopped coming on LJ and I noticed entries were still coming through without anyone monitoring them, so I offered to take it over. Basically all I do there is approve icon posts and cull deleted accounts, but there's almost 300 members so I feel safer knowing no one will be able to spam it or kill people's flists with broken lj cuts. Plus Chris Pine is hot.

passages read in the sun. :: paintmarks @ items
This is by far the icon I've had the longest, probably since I started on LJ, because I love how pretty and sunny and bright it is. I use it anytime I'm feeling all carefree and summer-like. I also loved that shoot because Emilie looked gorgeous and her hair was pretty. The one thing I hate about season six crazy!Claire is her hair is disgusting since she's nuts. And then flashback Claire has that gross wig. Claire's/Emilie's hair was nicest in the first two seasons if you ask me. Anyway, it's a nice happy icon and it will probably never get deleted.

(Lyns also gave me rabbit what rabbit but I already covered that one in my last post).

flist, food, icons, tennis, lost, meme, movies, blatant promos

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