Apr 20, 2004 20:20
TOday was a pretty good day. Got to school and had Nigro, of course me and Kris didnt do ne thing. Then i went to Career and went to the ugly library and almost hit the librarian ... she was sooo annoying...I went to third hour and it was spanish what else can I say... I then went to bio--that class is alwayz interesting ((we looked at those nasty animals again--they were gross)) I then went to World History and then Algebra 2... Im soo failing that class....After school i came home and then i went to Carlies--we went all around-- we we went to Platos closet ((that place is pretty gross)) then we went to Mishmash and the freaky guy was flirting with us and as we were walking out I said God i hate that guy and he was right behind me((guess I wont be shopping there ne more....lol)) then i got my nails did and I saw the crack women...then we took a drive to where jeremy works but didnt quite make it there ((long story)). Then i went home and I've just been sooooo hyper! HAHAHA. I think friday night im going to West Palm again with bona bona so we can kill those bitches....god i hate some girls! Its always interesting tho. One Tree Hill is on tongiht and im excited as ever! OMG cant wait....Thats enough for now ... Ive written WAY too much! Until next time :) <3 x0x