well things are going pretty good right now. pretty damn good. Winter Break has been going pretty well.
- i've been hanging out with carley kevin and justin pretty much the whole time. Oh yeah and bob. lol
- Kevin's birthday is tomorrow my little boy is going to be 18. im soo proud.
- Christmas is on saturday. that makes me smile.
- It's my wife's birthday as well as bob's on saturday. cute.
- I really miss Kenny and Dan. I think me and mewes are going to hang out with kenny on sunday. yay. that makes me sooo very happy. i miss the old times we used to have together. oh and can't forget that christmas bud. lol oh me oh my. lol
- Carley's dad found the boys sleeping with us this morning... i wonder what he is going to say about that. he said "no more sleepovers." oops.
- The lady i hit now wants to sue me for "back ache's and headaches." great. she's old. it happens.
- It's cold as shit outside, but i love it.
- Some things that happened in the last few days have really made me think...
I love winter. it is so much fun to just snuggle up under a warm blanket and watch a movie or something. thats what this time of year is really all about. its great... until someone comes and rips your blanket off.