Nov 23, 2004 11:28
Name: Kristal
Sex: Female.
Birthday: July 12th
Sign: cancer
Siblings: two blood brothers, and about 15 adopted brothers, and my sister carley :)
Hair color: scrinks
Eye color: it changes
Height: five three
• × • R E L A T I O N S H I P S • × •
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: straight
How many exes do you have?: a few
How long is your longest relationship?: 6 months
How long was your shortest relationship?: a few days.
• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •
Where is your favourite place to shop for clothes: anywhere.
Any tattoos or piercings: ears are peirced twice and guaged. belly button. two tattoos
Favorite designer?: designer, HA!
What is your sexiest outfit?: ohh baby!
What is your most comfortable outfit?: everything i wear.
What do you usually wear?: whatever is clean and closest to me in the morning.
• × • S P E C I F I C S • × •
Do you do drugs?: depends what you call a drug.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: um whatever is in the shower.
What are you most scared of: i dont know.
What are you listening to right now: fucking Tuck talking her shit.
Who is the last person that called you?: Carley noel i think.
Where do you want to get married?: i dont think i can get married in a church, i may bust into flames.
How many buddies are online right now?: im not online right now.
What would you change about yourself?: i dont know.
× • F A V O R I T E S • × •
Colors: red n blue
Foods: SMOOTHIES n cheeze. lol
Girls names: dont know... perhaps alexia.
Boys names: adam
Subjects in school: english this year is pretty badass.
Animals: my d-o-dubble g Eve um that dumbass cat, and the cool new fish patrick being as sam-son jeff-r-son died a few weeks ago.
• × • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • × •
Given anyone a bath?: what kinda of question is that ;)
Smoked?: yeah
Bungee jumped?: i'd like to very much
Made yourself throw up?: granas.
Skinny dipped?: yeah
Ever been in love?: dont think so.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: i wish i could..
Pictured your crush naked?: ha not me...
Actually seen your crush naked?: i'll never tell.
Cried when someone died?: nope.
Lied: yes
Fallen for your best friend?: nope.
Been rejected?: yeah
Rejected someone?: Yeah
Used someone?: dont think so, im not that cool.
Done something you regret?: most definitally.
• × • C U R R E N T • × •
Clothes: cool stuff.
Music: icp in my head.
Annoyance: fukcing Tuck
Smell: nothing...
Cd in player: mest acually
DVD in player: nothing in mine... but i do believe Men in Black II is still in carley's from saturday hahaha
• × • L A S T | P E R S O N • × •
You touched: chris
Hugged: umm either carley or justin
You IMed: no one, i havent gone online in forever.
You yelled at: Glenn
• × • A R E | Y O U • × •
Understanding: very
Open-minded: extreamly
Arrogant: no
Insecure: not really
Random: very much so.
Hungry: no
Smart: most of the time, but dont tell my teachers that.
Moody: Bipolar at times, if you ask Ellie.
Hard working: yeah.
Organized: fuck that.
Healthy: perhaps
Shy: Nope
Difficult: not at all
Attractive: ha
Bored easily: not realy
Obsessed: no thanks
Angry: nope.
Sad: im too cool for that shit.
Happy: very
Hyper: at times
Trusting: i think i am.
• × • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • × •
Kill?: ohh too many people.
Slap?: same ppl i wanna kill
Get really wasted with?: hahah the same people i get wasted with every weekend, they make me smile.
Get high with: not kevin and carley, they make fun of me too much.
Talk to offline: everyone.
Talk to online: no one.
Sex it up with: someone with a dick lol
• × • R A N D O M • × •
In the morning I: wanna kill someone.
All you need is: jager.
Love is: cool?
I dream about: my mom smoking pot.
Sexual preference: dick.
What do you notice first in the sex you're into: personality, more or less.
• × • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • × •
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Flowers or candy: flowers
Tall or short: either
• × • W H O • × •
Makes you smile: a lot of people
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: ohh just some tricky movesters.
• × • D O | Y O U | E V E R • × •
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: fuck that.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: yeah, it would be fun to have a penis.
Wish you were younger: No
Cried because someone said something to you?: i made myself cry to make kenny upset, didn't work, but does that count?
• × • N U M B E R • × •
Of times I have had my heart broken: none.
Of hearts I have broken: i dont know
Of guys ive kissed: too many.
Of CD's I own: my cd's kinda grew feet and walked away, so i dont have very many anymore, but i'll get more.
Of scars on my body: too many
Of things that I regret: i try not to regret things, but ya know, i do a lot of stupid shit.
• × • Y O U R | T H O U G H T S • × •
I know: everything.
I want: to know what the hell is going on...
I have: a ring, made out of string. lol
I wish: people wern't so difficult
I hate: you.
I fear: noting
I hear: someone talking about weed.
I search: for answers.
I wonder: why we have to go to school so early.
I love: special people.
TADA! wooo that wasted most of the period! lol