I'm usually pretty easy going when it comes to fandom. I know everyone has different opinions and I know that's going to cause arguments. I usually only put my two cents out there when it's something that really riles me up. I'm pretty sure the last time I felt like this it was the stupid Smut Box
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Even as recently as last fall, I posted an opinion on the Squirrel kerfluffle and was immediately dropped by several people who ordinarily tend to pride themselves on being magnamimous and "not taking sides" in fandom. I guess that's what I get for making a critical remark about an LJ-er who, for some incomprehensible reason, is a fandom favorite.
I guess it's no great loss all in all, but I made the personal decision a while ago to involve myself only if the subject was really important to me. The Squirrel Kerfluffle, in retrospect, was not.
Sometimes, as with the svmaria kerfluffle, I'll post a reaction opinion after things die down, which seems to go over better.
And I'm definitely with you guys in that I hate to see people being hateful to others over some fictional characters, much as we all may love these characters, and hold them important to us.
All just FWIW.
Maybe I'm missing something, but what does your icon stand for?
This'll all die down, like everything else. Summer/hiatus always seems to bring out the kerfluffles.
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