Meme the Potterverse

Jan 03, 2007 20:56

Ganked from the lovely Keladry...


Name: Miss Ann Thrope

Age: 30

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Astrological Sign: Leo


What's your favourite HP book? PoA and HBP are pretty much a tie at this point.

Who is your favourite character?  To think about, Snape.  That I enjoy the most when reading the books, the Weasley twins: "Give her hell, Peeves!"

Least favourite character?  Least favorite because I think the character is well written but vile, or least favorite because I wish Rowling had omitted the character altogether?   If the former, that honor goes to Umbridge (a truly fantastic villain).  If the latter, Gwarp.  I really can't stand reading about him.

Ships? In the books, I'm pleased with the "off-screen" pairing of Lupin and Tonks, though I would have been equally pleased if there'd been confirmation of RL/SB.  And I have enjoyed most of Rowling's pairings, though there were some choices Rowling made in HPB I really wish she hadn't (not how she paired, but how the characters behaved...)  In fanfic, I only read SS/HG.

House affiliation?  The first time I took an online quiz, I got Squib.  I wasn't surprised.

If you could ask JK one question, it would be:  What did Dumbledore really see in the Mirror of Erised?  (Socks?  Was it really socks?!?!  Maybe she's even been asked this before...)

The first HP quote you remember right now: "Kill the spare."

What do you do in the fandom? I read the fic and ogle the pretty pictures.  I'm quite useless, really, other than offering encouragement now and again.


Other fandoms: I was once involved with Buffy fandom.  And by involved, I mean I typed on community boards and read some fan fic.

Favourite characters:
I loved the lot of them.  Really I did.  Big fat love for Buffy and Giles, I guess.

I was quite fond of Willow/Oz and Xander/Anya.  Wasn't much of a shipper; just wanted the relationships to be well written.

Fandom interests: I loved the intellectual discussions about the show.  Mythology!  Metaphors!  Blah, blah, blah!


What do you want to add to your flist? Anyone interested in discussing HP stuff, I guess.  SS/HG writers and artists who share their work on LJ.

What are your journaling habits? On this journal, mostly just Potter fic gum flapping.   I might post some lit or art recs occasionally.

Anything else? or, Why should people friend you? No reason.  Do, if you feel like it.  Don't, if you, well, don't.
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