As you all know I've accumulated a crapload of SMT goodies, and I just wanna share with you all how I was able to locate and buy them.
I use
Celga, a Japanese Shopping Service. What they do is help you bid or buy from Japan Online stores that don't ship Internationally. Celga charges a fixed shopping service fee depending on the final price of the item.
Chart of fees for items up to 50,000 yen:
Up to 1,000 yen $5 (minimum fee per transaction/auction/shop item)
1,001 to 10,000 yen $10
10,001 to 20,000 yen $20
20,001 to 30,000 yen $30
30,001 to 40,000 yen $40
40,001 to 50,000 yen $50
On top of that there is internal shipping fee (from seller to Celga warehouse), Bank Wire Transfer Fee: $2.00, and then shipping fee from Celga to you. They store your purchases until you request it to be shipped.
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There are other Shopping Service sites like Rinkya and Crescent, but Celga is the only one I use as I've had pleasant experiences with them.
The sites I search for my junk: I used to order stuff from Atlus' Webshop but it has closed down now. :/
Here are useful keywords for SMT stuff. I use wikipedia if I don't know how to write other search terms. :P
真女神転生 - Shin Megami Tensei
ペルソナ - Persona
葛葉ライドウ - Kuzunoha Raidou
デジタル・デビル・サーガ - Digital Devil Saga
アバタール・チューナー - Avatar Tuner
フィギュア - Figure
ぬいぐるみ - Plush toy (might be rare to find a SMT plush, but you never know)
真・女神転生フィギュア付スターター限定パック <--The exact wording used for those SMT3 Nocturne Trading Packs, may vary slightly.
I can't remember if removing the dots makes a difference in search options.
Search options from the drop down menu at Yahoo Auctions:
すべてのカテゴリ - All categories
コンピュータ - Computer
家電、AV、カメラ - Electronics, AV, Camera
音楽 - Music
映画、ビデオ - Movies, Video
おもちゃ、ゲーム - Toys, Games
ホビー、カルチャー - Hobby, Culture
アンティーク、コレクション - Antique, Collection
スポーツ、レジャー - Sports, Leisure
自動車、オートバイ - Automobiles, Motorbikes
ファッション - Fashion
アクセサリー、時計 - Accessory, Watches
ビューティー、ヘルスケア - Beauty, Healthcare
食品、飲料 - Foodstuff, Beverage
住まい、インテリア - Living and Interior
ペット、生き物 - Pets, Animals
事務、店舗用品 - Office Supplies
花、園芸 - Flowers, Gardening
チケット、金券、宿泊予約 - Tickets, Coupons, Hotel Booking
ベビー用品 - Baby Supplies
タレントグッズ - Talent Goods
コミック、アニメグッズ - Comic, Anime Goods
不動産 - Real Estate
チャリティー - Charity
その他 - Other