DSRK Fan Book Profile [SATAKE]

May 31, 2009 13:02



Gender: Male
Birth date: 1887
Age: 43 years old
Status: unmarried, but has many mistresses
Occupation: Yakuza Boss
Blood type: B
Height: 188cm
Weight: 87kg
Type: women with a determined and unyielding spirit
Favourite Food: drinking cider after a bath
Interest: [干寿区に降りかかる災厄は捨置けない] Making sure no misfortune befalls Senju-ku.
Residence: [干寿区深川町の大國湯に入りっぱなしで不明] Left unclear at the Senju-Ku Daikoku baths.


本名, 佐竹健三.
His real name is Satake Kenzou

He is the big cheese Boss of Senju-Ku's Kantou Haguro-gumi.

With the ability to take on Yomikugutsu.

この男が風呂好きな理由は, 裸になることにある.
The reason this man is a lover of baths is 'cause it's a time he gets to be nude.

つまり, 自分と会う相手が武器を持てない状況を作ることができるのだ.
In other words, there's no opponent he can't handle in any situation even without a weapon.

任侠の世界では, 気が小さいが方, 様々な状況を想定し知恵をめぐらすために出世するという.
In the world of the Yakuza, sometimes the weak gather and use intelligence skills in order to rise above.

それは, 気が弱いこととは違う.
That is different from simply being “weak”.

また, 情報の有無も, 任侠の世界では命を左右する問題である.
Also, the presence of information is an issue that affects lives.

ゆえに, 生き抜くために, 帝都の様々な情報を集めている.
Therefore in order to survive, various information is gathered in the capital.

佐竹と鳴海は, 互いの職業上の利害関係が一致するため, 持ちつ持たれつの関係である.
Satake and Narumi are mutually dependant on each other for the sake of their professional interests.


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背中にある羽の字の赤染めは, 羽黒組幹部の証.
Sporting the symbol [feather] dyed in red ink on his back, is the proof of being the Boss of the Kantou Haguro-gumi.

大島紬に博多帯, 雪駄に羽織.
Ooshima(?) pongee(a knotted silk cloth), leather-soled sandals and haori (Japanese formal coat).

そのいなせな出で立ちは, 干寿区の顔役の貫禄十分である.
That dashing outfit holds an air of importance as Senju-ku's influential Boss.

Behind the calm tone of voice and facial expression, is there any kind of hidden chivalrous spirit?

滅多に使われることのない挙と同様, それもまた, 秘められたものである.
Same as his actions that is rarely used, that again is something he conceals.

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背中の大國様が神々しい. 鶴と亀をはじめ, 縁起物がちりばめられている.
The divine God Daikoku-sama on his back. Including cranes and turtles, are peppered with good-luck talisman.

彼は常に臨戦体制であり, 後ろからぶら下がって見えるようなことはない.
He always has a battle system ready, and from behind can't be seen hanging.

風呂場での佐竹は, 実に気持よさそうだ.
Satake appears really comfortable in the bath house.

広い洗い場に響く音, 湯気の温かさを存分に味わっている.
Sounds echoing in the spacious bath, fully relishing the warmth of the steam.

表情にも, その心地よさが表れている.
The expression is a sign of comfort.

ライドウの[風呂で帽子]はどうかなあと思っているが, ライドウは強いので文句を言わないようにしている.
Although he isn't sure of what to make of Raidou wearing his hat in the bath house, Raidou's strong, and thus he can't complain about it.

Spoken like a true timid person.

It is a sharp judgment.

それから, 小心者と同様, 身軽なデブも出世するというが, その理由は考えてみて.
Futhermore, same as a timid person, it is said that an agile fatso** will succeed; think about the reason for this.

NOTE: Sorry, 'tis the best I could do!!! ?_________? Kaneko-sensei I do not comprehend!!
**"Debu" is slang for fatso. Not a very nice comment to use.

Thanks extrablade and her Dad for their help on Kaneko-sensei's comment!

kenzou satake, scans, dsrkvssa fan book, ds : raidou kuzunoha

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