Jul 14, 2004 20:31
Tamale...Omfg I lOve that song...Everytime i hear the sOng I start danCing like a profesSional dancer...lol
-today- woke up at 6:30am ,then went tO sleep again and woke up at 9:30am...mii daddy piCked me up...went to hiS house and talked and w.e...we didnt went tO the mall becuz started raining so it was fucked up....lol
then we went outside to talk and play w. mii lil sister...awww she's so cutE...mii daddy cheCked mii purse to see if i had some letter of mii bf..lol i tOld him "i dont have bf"...ohhh he forgot to give me mii lil sister picture...-stupid ass-..then they dropped me off..but on sat or sunday im going to the mall to buy clOthes....yay...Ohhh i need to tell him abt the Celli...wtf i want a celli okay?
Got home and went online...fixed the new layout..hOpe u like it ;]
now g2g cuz i need to take a shower!!! Bye....
<33333333 Tatica