
Jun 23, 2006 13:21

Well... I still havent written about Melbourne, but thats cos im a slack girl.

Melbourne was HEAPS of fun. Was great to get some time off work and away from the siblings. But the bad thing was having to come back and being totally overwhelmed by their psychoness. But yeah was great :D Did loooottssss of shopping, went to the footy (unfortunately Dockers lost but it was still cool being in the Dome), saw Evermore at Fed Square and finally went to WITCHES IN BRITCHES!!!! After longing to enter those castle doors for 5 years, I finally did it!!! It was heaps of fun even though the food was shit! haaha

Speaking of Witched in Britches...I found out that it got burnt down today :'( Apparently it started in the kitchen...I CANT BELIEVE IT!

Anyways in Melbourne it was Freeeeeeeezin! haha the max each day was like 14 degrees but it was only that for like 2 mins at midday haha. By like 3pm it was 7 degrees. It was great :) I love cold weather. We ate all our dinners (except for the one at Witches) in our hotel room :D. Two room service one take away pizza hehe. Was really fun.

Work has been pretty good of late :D They are really liking me now :D they keep saying im one of them now :) On Wednesday night my boss took Tanners hours off her and gave them to me:D I've actually made some friends too hehe. Who would have thought i would do that ;) not me.

Next Wednesday im getting my wizdom teeth out! Im seriously freaking out bout it. Sooooooo dreading it. Im dealing with it my way....which happens to be completely ignoring it and not letting anyone talk to me about it. I think my family is getting annoyed but fuck that i dont care haha.

Uni is bloody annoying still. I got an email the other day saying i hadnt got my "co operating teacher" to hand in some evaluation form that Yvonne(head of Early Childhood) said i didnt need to hand in! So now i have to organise everything now. I wish they could just be consistant in what they say. :'(

Last night i actually fell asleep at 9 pm! i think thats the earliest ive gone to sleep since i was in year 7! I was just so tired! haha On wednesday night i worked till 12 and only had 3.5 hours sleep before goin to help Dad out in his office all day! I got $110 for the day but i was totally tired. In 24 hours i worked 15 hours and slept 3.5 hours :S

Im putting on weight atm too :-( haha its my fault cos i keep eating but food is so good haha. oh wells :P

Well yeah thats pretty much my news for now haha. ciao
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