
Apr 30, 2006 22:10

ITS MY BIRTHDAY! finally 18 and legal :)

Had the party last night..twas quite fun actually :) It was quite wierd and awkward at the beginning cos all my family was there and hardly any friends, but i drowned my worries with my southern. But nah it was really good. Well i enjoyed it. I saw most people except isaac and weezie who seemed to hide from me...either that or they were having sex somewhere :p. Brigid spent a lot of time with my family haha watching the footy. There was also the drunken blowing out of the candles. I had to lean on the table and it took me like 6 blows to get them all out. and then heaps of people were telling me to do a speech...all i could think of was 'i can hardly stand up, how am i supposed to piece a well formed sentence together?'

OH god and there was the embarrasing viewing of my great uncle getting changed in front of all me mates :S:S Soooooo embarasing.

The party was best once most people were offence to the people who left haha. But yeah it was fun just having a chat and listening to the perfect music choices of mine on the jukebox haha and then dancing around to it. We started to watch Mary Poppins but then went to bed instead... Andrew and Ros slpet over. Oh and so did Jo but she slept in the lounge haha.

I got pretty good pressies too :) From the rentals im getting a trip to Melbourne in June. and then i got $430, Southern comfort, Brittas Empire DVD's, lots o chocolate, skin cream, an engagement ring, candle, a bag, a sexy braclet, champagne glasses with Jelly Bellys in and much much more :D Very good catch

Overall i have had a great brithday :) Thanxs to all for the pressies and for coming :)
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