Silly quizzes stolen from Seralu

Jul 03, 2005 22:23

Marilyn Monroe
You scored 40% innocence, 77% sex appeal, and 92% playfulness!

Playful and flirty.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 8% on innocence

You scored higher than 91% on sex appeal

You scored higher than 97% on playfulness
Link: The Vintage Vixen Test written by mazzygirl on Ok Cupid

I, as a clerihew,
Tend to be merry; too
Merry, it might, perhaps, by some, be claimed;
But I'm sure that these people are wrong, and need to be grievously maimed. What Poetry Form Are You?

How to make a miss_tanya

3 parts success

1 part arrogance

1 part empathy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little sadness if desired!

Personality cocktail

Bands // Song Titles

Created by BourdiezFreak and taken 27376 times on bzoink!
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Burt BacharachAre you female or male:FemaleDescribe yourself:The Wine is YoungHow do some people feel about you:What's New Pussycat?How do you feel about yourself:I Just Don't Know What To Do With MyselfDescribe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:One Bell Less To AnswerDescribe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:To Wait For LoveDescribe where you want to be:Trains Ands Boats And Planes Describe what you want to be:The Windows Of The World Describe how you live:Casino RoyaleDescribe how you love:Wishin’ And Hopin’ Share a few words of wisdom:Be True To Yourself
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