Ask Me Nicely (DC)

Feb 01, 2013 12:20

Title: Ask Me Nicely
Pairing or Characters: Jason Todd/Damian Wayne
Rating: Mature
Contains: implied established relationship between an adult and a teenager, watersports, D/s relationship
Summary: Jason would aim for punishment and wind up finding a new kink instead.


“Are you going to be good for me, baby bird?” Jason crouches down in front of where Damian kneels on a soft braided rug and reaches out with his right hand to hold the teenager’s chin with his thumb and index finger. Jason manages a few seconds of peace, a few moments where Damian stares up at him with a sullen twist to his mouth and burgeoning acceptance in his blue eyes, and then--
Damian strikes. He snaps at Jason as quick as a snake with teeth far duller, biting Jason hard right on the tender flesh between his thumb and forefinger. Of course, Damian draws blood. He sits back on his heels and bares his bloody teeth in a snarl. “Like I’m going to make it easy on you, Todd,” he says as pleasure gleams in the depths of his eyes. “If you want me to be good for you, you’re going to have to work for it.”
Jason grits his teeth, biting back the curse words that he wants to say in response to the pain radiating from his hand. “One day,” Jason mutters as he looks down at Damian’s smug little smirk, “One day, we’re going to do a scene without you trying to maim me.”
“I don’t see the fun in that,” Damian responds, holding Jason’s gaze for a moment before deliberately looking away from the older man. “If you want my submission, you should prove that you know what you’re doing.” Naked and on his knees with his arms bound up behind his back, Damian shouldn’t pose much of a threat. However, short of gagging Damian and hogtying the little shit--
Damian will always be a threat.
Jason sucks his teeth and then rises to his feet. The stinging pain in his hand keeps up, reminding him of why he normally keeps far away from Damian’s sharp teeth until the other man is far enough under his own version of the submissive headspace mentioned in the few books and websites that Jason has used for research prior.
“Don’t move,” Jason says, snapping his fingers in order to get and hold Damian’s attention. “I have to go clean this. I hope you’re happy with yourself, you little shit.” The big first aid kit in Jason’s apartment is in the bathroom underneath the sink and it takes time for Jason to wrestle it out from amid his cleaning supplies and his extra ammo. By the time Jason finishes cleaning and bandaging the bloody bite-mark on his hand, he finds himself contemplating a devious plan in his head.
Jason grins at his reflection in the mirror and then his gaze darts over toward the porcelain toilet next to the sink. “Damn,” he says to himself as satisfaction warms him throughout his body, “When I come up with scenes, they’re fucking amazing.” Before Jason can pat himself on the back some more, the sound of movement from the main room makes him frown. Jason growls and then takes off for the main room of his apartment --and his perpetually disobedient sub-- with a frown on his face.
“Damian,” Jason calls out as he makes his way back through the narrow hallway in his apartment, “Your little ass better be on that rug or so help me, I will--” When Jason steps into the main room, he has to cut his sentence short.
Everything seems to be where it was before. The television set is still playing some boring history documentary. Damian’s collar is exactly where Jason had left it on the table after Damian had threatened to strangle him with it. And, the thing that surprises Jason the most is that Damian hasn’t moved one inch from the rug where Jason positioned it next to the couch.
Damian’s head swings up and he gives Jason one of those smiles that lends more to thoughts of violence than tenderness. “What took you so long?”
Jason opens his mouth to say something sharp in return, but then he shakes his head in an attempt to clear the urge from his head. If he starts trading insults with Damian now, he’ll never get to where Damian isn’t seconds away from biting him again. If they start bickering now, Jason will never get to work on his brilliant plan. So Jason ignores Damian, padding across the floor on booted feet to where the remains of their dinner --Chinese takeout from the place down the street from his apartment and the biggest Zesti that he could get them to deliver in a Styrofoam cup-- sit on a rickety old card table. He grabs the Zesti and two of the fortune cookies before walking back to where Damian remains kneeling on the rug.
“I don’t think I remembered to offer you a drink, baby bird,” Jason says, crouching down just out of biting range. “If I give you some soda, will you drink it?”
Damian purses his lips in a frown and then makes himself relax. “Fine,” he mutters as if he’s doing it for Jason’s sake and not his own, “I’ll drink a little.” Damian opens his mouth and then gives Jason an expectant look as if to say ‘well get on with it’.
As Jason presses the straw to Damian’s mouth, he can’t resist the chance to get in one last little jibe. “If you even think about spitting the soda back out on me,” Jason says in a warning post, “I’ll dump this whole cup on you and then leave you here. I’m trusting you not to bite me or spit on me so do me a favor, kid: don’t be a dick.”
It’s somewhat difficult to speak clearly while sucking on a straw, but somehow Damian manages. “I’ll try my best.”
Jason barely manages to keep from petting Damian on the head. Instead, he tilts the straw so that Damian can take another long sip from the soda cup and watches the kid’s adam’s apple work with every swallow. “That’s the spirit, kid.” Jason doesn’t have to make Damian drink the caffeinated soda. All he has to do is keep the straw in place and sit there patiently. Before he realizes it, half of the cup is empty and Damian’s breath smells like sugar.
“You good, kid?” Jason asks, eyes focusing on the flush creeping up the sides of Damian’s neck to the fuzz of soft black hair at the nape of his neck.
Damian huffs and then nods. “I’m fine, Todd,” he bites out after a few seconds of silence, “Besides, why do you care?” Without waiting for an answer, Damian turns his face away from Jason in a tacit dismissal of the older man.
The hair on the back of Jason’s neck actually stands up at that. Damian just wants to push Jason to where he forgets his goals and winds up fucking him over the nearest table while their issues remain unresolved and Jason’s dominance remains an abstract concept. Jason knows that. Even still, Jason still wants to shove Damian’s face down into the carpet and fuck the sass right out of him.
But that won’t help matters at all.
Instead, Jason gets up on the couch and reaches for the remote. He flicks through the channels until he finds something more interesting than an ancient history documentary and then settles back against the cushions as the sound of science fiction sound effects echoes through his apartment.
Damian’s body faces the screen, but Jason knows Damian well enough that he can read the tension in the younger man’s shoulders. He knows that he’s not going to catch the kid peeping at the screen until Damian thinks he’s set down his guard. Jason cracks his knuckles and then focuses on the television screen. If Damian hesitates to show his interest in a mere movie, there’s no way in hell that he’ll cave to what Jason has planned.
However, Jason has plenty of time to wait until Damian starts to sweat.
Twenty minutes into the movie, Damian starts to squirm over the carpet. His movements are subtle at first, little wiggles over that appear to be mere fidgeting to the untrained eye. Jason is all set to chalk it up to Damian’s need to move and do something aside from remaining in one place on the ground. However, Damian soon starts making soft noises of discomfort and a renewed flush starts to steal over the scarred brown surface of Damian’s skin.
Jason doesn’t even try to hide the smile that curves his mouth up. He does however, attempt to hide the amusement in his voice a moment later when he calls Damian’s name in order to get his attention. “You okay down there, kid?”
Damian’s spine stiffens. “I’m fine,” he says sharply. “Go back to your movie and leave me alone.”
“Are you sure,” Jason asks, “You’re looking a little antsy down there... Is there anything I can do to help?” From where Jason is sitting, he can’t hear what Damian mutters in response, but it sounds faintly like, ‘die in a fire, Todd’. He shakes his head and then sits up on the couch so that he can get a better look at Damian’s back and the way that Damian’s toes keep curling up against the sole of his feet. “You look a little... upset.”
“Fuck you, Todd,” Damian snaps without turning to look at Jason. “You know what’s wrong with me.”
Jason continues to smile. “I’m sorry, kid,” he says as Damian’s squirming grows more intense, “I just wanted to make sure my favorite little brother has everything that he needs. How was I supposed to know that you’d over-do it and wind up with a full bladder?” At Damian’s frustrated growl, Jason lets himself laugh for real. “You know what you have to do to get me to let you go to the bathroom, baby bird.”
Damian shakes his head. “You’re a dirty stinking cheater, Todd!”
“That doesn’t sound like you asking nicely to me,” Jason retorts. “You can ask nicely or you can piss yourself. Either way, it’s not my problem.”
“But your rug--”
“Can be washed.”
Damian grunts and swears underneath his breath before wiggling around on the carpet so he can scowl at Jason instead of at the television. “Todd,” he breathes in a breathier tone than Jason has heard from him in the longest time. “If you don’t untie me so I can go to the bathroom, I’ll--” Damian trails off and twin pinpricks of red appear on his cheeks.
Never one to let anything go, Jason licks his lips and lets Damian see exactly how much fun he’s having with this whole thing. “You’ll what,” Jason drawls, “Piss on my boots? Have fun with that.” He leans in close so that Damian has no choice but to look at his face and then drives the last nail in. “Ask me nicely and I’ll let you go piss. Otherwise... you’re going to have fun cleaning my floor.”
“Damn it, Todd.” Damian’s face flushes and his fingers curl into fists at his sides.
Jason shakes his head, still smiling just because of the way his amusement seems to make Damian even more frustrated. “You need to learn some manners.”
With his fingers shaking and his face flushed, Damian looks as though he’s seconds away from tearing through his bonds and strangling Jason. Even so, he still has yet to use his safeword and that is the only thing keeping Jason from stopping his game early. Damian licks his lips to wet them and then inches forward, remaining on the rug even though it would be easier just to crawl across the tile floor. He stops just short of Jason’s knee.
“T-Todd,” Damian says in a rough voice, “Jason. Can you please let me go to the bathroom?”
Jason taps his fingers against the side of his thigh and makes a face as though he’s thinking about Damian’s request. He drags it out until Damian’s face flushes even further and a noticeable dribble of something that is most certainly not precum wets the rug in front of Damian’s groin. Just when Damian seems about to get up and storm off, Jason reaches out and cups the back of the teenager’s head, holding him in place.
Damian freezes and then tilts his head up so that he’s eye to eye with Jason. “I did it like you said,” Damian manages to get out even though it must be hell on his control. “I asked nicely. Let me go, you ass!”
“You’re supposed to be so skilled. You’re supposed to be so much better than everyone else,” Jason says in response, “Hold it in then.”
Damian shakes his head and then makes a soft noise as the flush moves all the way up to his ears. “I-I can’t.” That’s the only warning that Jason gets before Damian’s bladder apparently gives up the ghost and Damian pisses all over the rug and Jason’s boots.
Jason watches without saying anything, waiting until Damian slumps forward to brush his fingers over the back of the boy’s head. Watching Damian come apart and lose control had been... interesting. Jason licks his lips and gives Damian a bit of silent comfort in the form of petting, using the quiet time to get his thoughts in order and essentially come to terms with the hard on tenting his jeans. Almost everything Damian does manages to get Jason hard, so why is he having so much trouble getting his head around the idea that this sort of thing can be hot too?
“I thought you said I’d have to clean your floor,” Damian says after several minutes pass, voice rough and low. “You’re supposed to be mad at me.”
“Later,” Jason says absently as he scratches his nails over the faint scars that peek out from underneath the hairs at the nape of Damian’s neck. “Right now, you’re taking a bath and I’m going to take care of you.”
Damian’s head jerks up against the palm of Jason’s hand. “Take care of me,” he blurts out, “But why? We didn’t do anything that requires aftercare.”
Jason fights against the urge to laugh and then pats Damian’s shoulder twice. “Says you,” he retorts with affection humming in his voice, “Now come on and get up. I’m not carrying you to the bathroom and getting your piss all over me.”

pairing: jason-damian, character: jason todd, character: damian wayne, fandom:dc

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