Jul 08, 2012 22:43
I'd scheduled a babysitter afternoon this week so I could go to a rheumatology follow-up and get some party planning/acquiring done without "help." Unfortunately, her Real Job needs her after all. If I'm drinking heavily at the party itself, that's why. In the meantime, some very important questions:
1) Does agar-agar really work?
2) How big a board do I have to buy (or acquire) for a Walk The Plank activity?
3) How can I convince a 4-year-old that a chocolate, vanilla, strawberry OR mint cake will be much tastier than the strawberry-mint cake he's demanding?
4) How much money can we afford to send to Obama and to the Marriage Equality folks? I know we can't afford not to.
5) Why am I not currently sitting in Iceland Wales Alaska Ireland Sweden New Zealand Bar del Corso?
6) Shouldn't I just go to bed and worry about these things tomorrow?