Dec 25, 2004 01:06
>[Screen name] suninmyskyx
>[give me presents on] whenever you like..=D
>[Age] 16
>[Astrological sign?] scorpio
>[Chinese zodiac sign?] dragon
>[I am stuck in] the single life?
>[Sexual Preference] men..owow!
>[Marital Status] single..(for now)
>[Eye color] brown
>[Height] 5'5
>[Pets?] none..=(
>[Color] PINK!!
>[Number] 14
>[Animal] monkies..hehe
>[Flower] red roses
>[Scent] curious
>[Drinks] strawberry daquaris
>[Soda] diet coke!
>[Band] dashboard confessional
>[Song] beautiful soul...
>Do you...
>[Color your hair?] yuP
>[Twirl your hair?] mm hmm..
>[Have tattoos?] nOpe..
>[Piercings?] ears
>[Smoke?] nOpe..
>[Roller coasters?]of course
>[Wish you could live somewhere else?] nope..surprisingly i love living here!
>[Want more piercings?] yuP
>[Like cleaning?] if i'm in the mood..
>[Write in cursive or print?] print
>[Own a web cam?] nOpe
>[Know how to drive?] of course!
>[Diet?] HAHA!..good one!
>[Own a cell phone?] yUp
>[Ever get off the computer?]
>[Habla Espanol?] hUh?..haha
>Have you ever...
>[Gotten a speeding ticket?] nOpe..not yet
>[Been in a wreck?] yea..scurry
>[Been arrested?] nuh uh
>[Been in a fist fight?] nOpe
>[Kicked someone in the nuts?]
>[Stolen anything?] noPe
>[Considered a life of crime?] of course not!
>[Considered being a hooker?] all the time...HAHA...NO!
>[Cheated on someone?] nOpe
>[Cried over a boy?] unfortunetly...yes..=/
>[Lied to someone?] @ some point in time im sure..
>[Fallen for your best friend?] umm..NO!..haha
>[Made out with JUST a friend?] nuh uh
>[Been rejected?] yup...everyone has im sure..
>[Been in lust?] of course..
>[Been used?] yea..
>[Been cheated on?] i guess you could call it that..LMAO
>[Been kissed?] yuP!
>The last time
>[Last movie you saw] napolen dynamite..PEDRO ROCKS!!
>[Last thing you had to drink] milK
>[Last thing you ate] hershey kiss cookies..=D
>[Last person you talked to on the phone] good question..haha
>[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] yes..about a certain boy...hehe
>[Play an instrument?] yea rriigghhttt!
>[Remember your first love?] haven't had one yet..
>[Read the newspaper?] yuP
>[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] i would like to think so...
>[Consider love a mistake?] is a beautiful thing if it is with the right person...=D
>[Have a favorite candy?] YES!..smArtIes!
>[Believe in astrology?] ummm
>[Believe in magic?] nO silly kids...tricks are for kids..HAHA!..i know..LOSER!
>[Believe in God?] YES!
>[Do well in school?] all A's baby!
>[Go to or plan to go to college] of course..UF BABY!
>[Wear hats?] only my SOMBRARO!
>[Hate yourself?] of course not!
>[Have an obsession?] LOL!
>[Have a secret crush?] yes..=D
>[Do they know yet?] good question..not sure?..haha
>[Collect anything?] old notes..
>[Have a best friend?] yes!!..MOMO!
>[Close friends?] lind-say..pablo..jessicer!
>[Care about looks?] sometimes..
>Love life
>[First crush] sean..LOL!
>[Single or attached?] single..
>[Ever been in love?] nope..not yet atleast..
>[Do you believe in love at first sight?] yes..i am a hopeless romantic..what can i say?
>[Do you believe in "the one?"] mm hmm!!
>[Do you have a best friend?] YUP!..mO-hO!
>[Who knows the most about you?] momo!
>[Favorite inside joke?] umm...soo many...MEXICAN PRIDE?
>[Thing your picked on most about?] boys i used to like...back in the day..LMAO
>[Whos the person you've known the longest?] megs!
>[Newest?] robyn..i <3 that girl!
>[Shyest?] uMm...none of them are shy..HAHA
>[Funniest?] lindsay!
>[Weirdest?] all of them...but in a great way!!
>[Smartest] PABLO!
>[Ditziest] MO-LISSA!
>[Friend you miss being close with the most] megs...
>[Last person you talked to online] christa..HAHA!
>[Talk to online the most?] melissa!
>[Who are you on the phone with the most?] NO ONE!..haha..b/c i dislike the phone!
>[Trust the most?] mOlissa & lind-say!
>[Who listens to your problems] mO, linds, jess & pablo >[Who do you fight the most with?] one
>[Who's the nicest?] all of them <3
>[Who's the most outgoing?] ALL of them...x3
>[Who's the best singer?] def. mO...american idol baby!
>[Who's your second family] mo mo's family..=D
>[Who's your loudest friends?] emily...haha...<3 ya girlie
>[Do you trust others easily?] depends on the person..
>[Whose house were you last at?] mrs.doris'
>[Tell me one person who's arms you feel safe in] good question...=/
>[Friend that lives farthest away] mikayla
>[What is best about the opposite sex?] their lOoks...tehe
>[What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?] their CHEATING tendencies..
>[What's the last present someone gave you?] my new PENGUIN pj's!..=D..i <3 them!!