my internet has been down for a while due to the horrid winter weather in my neck of the woods, so I understand that I'm a little late, but I don't care.
Anywho, the last chapter of xxxHolic...I think this video sums up how it made me feel: AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! CLAMP, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!?!? Your best series (IMO) and you just took a big dump on it with that ending!!
*takes a deep breath*
Seriously though, xxxHolic had/has such a depth and weight and substance to its characters and philosophy that's actually a bit hard to describe. CLAMP took all of that and gave us an ending that just leaves one so utterly...empty.
But...optimist that I am, I see a silver lining here: FANFICTION!
Yes! It's God's gift to dissatisfied fans!!
Which brings us now to "Miss Shad's Shameless Self-Promotion Corner of SOOPER PHUN!"
Folks, since the fall of 2009 I've had a big trilogy of xxxHolic/Tsubasa (mostly the latter) fics brewing. Considering that I've seen some Lion King fanfics that don't acknowledge the sequels/specific things in them, why couldn't my works (and YOURS too, P.O.'d xxxHolic fans of the world) do the same in regards to how things turned out for our beloved bespectacled stud muffin and his pals?
I believe I once said somewhere on the forums that it seemed like every friggen' thing in the xxxHolic saga got my fanfic juices churning. If you ask me, this is proof that I meant EVERYTHING, even the shitty bits.
So if you too are enraged at CLAMP's tomfoolery, try looking at it the way I have. If you too are a fanfic writer, take this as a sign to rewrite to your little heart's content. If you are not, just sit back and enjoy what myself and others will inevitably (yuk, yuk,) put out for you to enjoy.
(As a postscript, anyone else think that the OAV will also be way better than the poo-poo in a hat the manga gave us?)