Everyone has his talent. I really believe that. Some people pull coins out from behind your ears, or pull numbers out their own behinds to trick you even better. Some people drag trucks with their teeth. Some people dance like butterflies, or swans or some such. Some people have the words to say what I wanted to say right there.
Me, I make things. That's what I do. It's my talent.
You may laugh. People do. Say I'm crazy, holed up in my attic with my wires and my diodes and my transistors. Say I'm building myself a robot lady friend. Say it's the only way I'll ever get one. You ask me, shows what they all know.
See, I invented a device that turns a stovetop pot into a rice cooker. It comes with a temperature gauge you can use to send data back to a laptop or mobile device. I even wrote a dinky piece of software that lets you make a graph of the heat variation and print it out. That way you can play around until you get your rice just right.
I showed it to a few people. They didn't say much but I think they were pretty impressed. All I need now is investment. Coming soon to a high street near you!
I'm not seeking fame. I don't want riches. I just want to be of service. And if my name is remembered in some corner after I am gone, if even one kid dreams of being the next stovetop rice cooker guy, then I'll know that my life has not been in vain.
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