Dec 30, 2005 00:01
I'm working at my father's office during the holiday, doing computer data entry.
... except the damn program has been effed up for the past two days.
I spent all of Wednesday trying to get a hold of Praxis's technical support, which never called back. Today, they didn't call back until after I came back from lunch. (Until then, i had nothing to do but play around on the internet and feel utterly useless.) And THEN what did they do when I was trying to connect with them through NetMeeting...? They suddenly STOPPED WORKING WITH ME AND I HAD NO CONTACT WITH THEM. What the fuck? It's like the guy just shut his computer down and went home!
This only furthers my belief that Technical Support people are really assholes that don't do their job.
Fuck Praxis. I keep telling my father he need's to switch programs because this one isn't worth the headache.
Other than that all has been well, but i'm way too lazy to continue this right now. Until later, adieu!