Apr 28, 2007 00:35

Why is DOD opening a store in Japan? Shouldn't they be opening one in Korea instead? *shiku shiku*

In that case, Taesake, you go buy Tender Zen with big boobs when you go to Japan lah.

Buay tahan liao.

Wah lao eh, today I knocked off from work at 8:30pm! KNN! Work until I siao sia. My feet so pain... stand too long. I limped back home lor!
Imagine clearing 259 cartons and 44 toteboxes full of stocks... manpower, 10 persons nia. From morning 10plus to evening 8plus leh! Mok-mok still ask me rearrange the freaking placement of certain products. If never help her ah, I think I 7plus go home liao!

NB. Watsons damn fucked up lah. not enough manpower still don't request. KNN HR dept always recruit new staff everyday, but none of them come to my store. Some more my store supposed to be the best store in Singapore lor! Wah lao. Now sibei tired lah!

But hor, come to think of it, this week I clock a lot of OT liao. Maybe can buy Hyun a new T-shirt lah. Or some more fabric so I can sew pretty clothes for that didi.
Money is what I'm working for! And Ducan! That's why hor, must endure all the KNS attitude from manager and customers.

Speaking of customers ah... today met one moron... she ask for stockings, I say don't have (cos really don't have mah). Then she ask again, this time rephrase the sentence, "You got leg stockings?" I was like WTF liao, KNN I say don't have still wanna ask. Then after a few seconds I tell her the same thing, don't have. You know she say what? She say, "If you not sure don't say don't have hor!" WTF lah! Really don't have mah! You want I go Guardian and buy for you izzit?
This kind of KNS attitude I kena everyday, but she like that say out loud, damn hurt my feelings lor. KNN she think work retail very easy ah?

The perils of a retail assistant! Fuck you all the stupid moronic customers lah!

rant, work, bjd

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