My eyes hurt from my new eljay background. (and lookies GAWDS new layout)
I drew it in ten minutes and I hate it.
I love it and I'm keeping it.
Still sick. Sore throat. Grahhhh. I was coughing up blood yesterday. This morning I found blood in my phlegm. Those old Chinese remedies aren't working. (Usually I'd take any Chinese remedy but in this case I'd say SCREW IT DAMMIT)
Pop a few pills and go to sleep, Rui. YOU NEEEEEDSS SLEEP.
But I can't go to sleep. If I sleep I will think of that VERY DISTURBING dream I had a few days ago.
It's not just any dream with any guy. The guy in this dream...
Joakim. Gomez. You know, that prancing monkey.
It has been YEARS since I last dreamt of him, but this dream... it's disturbing on ALL levels.
I was holding a seemingly lifeless body of Joakim on the bed (ON THE BED yo), and I felt like I wanted him back, so I held him and buried my face in his chest and cried. And then suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me and planted a kiss on my forehead.
And then there was another one that started shortly after this, ALSO one with the same guy, but I can only remember bits of it. I remember him trying to woo me right after he brokeup with Nicolette, and how I ran away from him. Pretty much that.
But I remember the first one very very clearly because every time I think of the dream I feel that... warmth that he used to emanate when we were all fifteen years old. And when I graduated from secondary school Joakim was the emcee for the ceremony, and everyone from my class got a hug from him, including me, and we hugged longer than anyone else. That warmth. I can never forget that warmth. It's very comfortable and really inviting.
But enough of it.