Jun 01, 2006 12:44
Now you hear this, my fellow Katootians.
I am sure most of you have read the reorganisation post in the announcement forum. I am disappointed, because Katoots is going to be Transformers-Stikfas-Star Wars-Gundam oriented. There will be no place for doll/stuffed toys collectors (the posts in that section will be moved the a new one called "Other Collectibles")
New members like Envy, Zetsueix, and old ones like me, Rubics, Kris, etc. will no longer have the fortune to post about new BJDs and dolls and stuffed toys.
I know that "Other Collectible" section will house all my doll threads and stuff, but it is such a shame to see our beloved BJD thread be placed in the same section as some Beer Caps collection thread or something.
I wrote a post in the reorganisation thread, to help sustain the Stuffed Toy Doll section that we so love. I know my fight will be going nowhere, but it's a try.
"I'm sorry I even asked. What was I thinking.
"I am aware of the status of the Stuffed Toys Dolls forum; people come and go, and lurk in that section, but there is only that many members who really post something there.
"I will have to pretty much agree with Kiddiss, there must be a part of Katoots for girls too, although I know [a lot] more than half of the forum's population are boys, guys, men-whatever you wish to call them, and only a handful of us are girls.
"But if you guys don't mind losing female members (who are neither fond of tikam nor Transformers/Stikfas/Star Wars), go ahead. Scrap that section.
(I am also well aware that while this forum might lose female members, but gain some more male members)
"Of course, I am in no position to speak, I am a mere member, so this is only a suggestion."
Should we fight for this? It seems stupid to do so, but I do not really care now.