The right side gets a bit cropped depending on the layout of your friends page and the colors are off because the scan totally blanched the reds so I had to adjust them so now her skin is too red but isn't it great lol. I'm really happy with how she turned out, I spent a lot of time on her dress, and we all know how much I love Victorian faeries with attitudes and partially shaved heads.
Same color scheme as Langour I know lol.
I am on such a vertical striped kick!
And this was inspired by Jill Tracy, like the past few paintings lol, been listening to her too much.
Anyway yesterday I went to see Happy Never After with Lindsey and it was really cute. We went to Kmart for like an hour and there was like a whole parade of stoned Torrington kids lmao they kept multiplying it was weird.
Today I painted and me and Mom went to Barnes and Noble and got Dad a Geometry book for his birthday (which is tomorrow). I got a book of James Christensen's art. I've never heard of him but I had a gift card and I just saw it. His work is a lot like my dream last night. I haven't looked through it all yet I've been making study guides. I finished Western Civ yesterday (instead of painting but at least it's done) and I have science but that's easier. I have to start looking over everything else so I don't have to totally cram the nights before.
And now I am sosooooo starving. I've been locked in my room painting for hours lol. Tomorrow I'm going to take the ornaments off the tree and then I will have enough money to buy the Sopor Aeternus cd of my choice (I don't really know what my choice is yet though lol). I still have to get past Anna Varney's creepiness factor, as I've honestly had nightmares about her/him, but I just looooveeee the music.
My next painting might have a guy in it be excited.