stuff about stuff: a Pepper without bite, GL, and trailers

Mar 21, 2013 12:21

* The newest trailer for Star Trek: Into Darkness looks good. It also looks like it was edited by Freddie Krueger to amp up urgency without giving away plot details (or, why Kirk starts a sentence wearing one shirt and finishes it in another). But it should be fun.

* I am somewhat less fond of the new promo material for Iron Man 3, though. Mostly ( Read more... )

athletic supporter, a pre-crisis girl in a post-crisis world, watching the detectives

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Comments 17

kerithwyn March 21 2013, 16:35:50 UTC
I am almost looking forward to Despicable Me 2 more than the aforementioned two films. I REGRET NOTHING. (At least, I know it is certain not to disappoint.)

Ripper Street continues to improve as you go on.


miss_porcupine March 21 2013, 16:44:09 UTC
Ripper Street was very deft at avoiding the body blows of the Exposition Fairy in the pilot, I will grant. It did not lay out everyone's motivation and secrets and traumas in giant neon letters and I give it points for that.


redhawk March 21 2013, 16:35:59 UTC
Depending on what era of Iron Man you read, Pepper has swung _wildly_ between Plucky Assistant (her role in the movies was Mrs Arbogast's in the comics, but I suspect Mrs A is long-gone in current IM continuity), Gal Friday, and Victim Of The Week. Rescue, as in Pepper having her own IM suit, is way, way, WAY a new thing.


miss_porcupine March 21 2013, 16:42:36 UTC
No, no, I know she used to totally be the Damsel in Distress, Please Ring This Bell to Make Iron Man Appear. But even toward the end of her Plucky Assistant days, she at least got to roll her eyes at the comedy. I'll edit to make that more clear.


indiana_j March 21 2013, 16:51:43 UTC
Ripper Street grew on me quite a bit after the first episode. It's still a bit silly in places but, I think, it found it's feet as it went along. 'In My Protection', which is the second episode, introduces us to one of my favorite characters and made me really start to like Drake.

And I totally agree with you on Hell on Wheels - I lost interest in about two episodes and, surprisingly, my mom was the only one of us who kept watching the entire season (we'd DVRed it for dad, originally), though I think she gave up on S2.


miss_porcupine March 21 2013, 17:19:00 UTC
It is a bit silly in places, but it's not a bad start. As I mentioned to 'rith above, I was pleased that they didn't smack us on the head with everyone's future storylines and character development lines -- we got hints and no more (Reid's burns go unremarked, Jackson's plans go unexplained, etc.) and that was handled quite well. Unlike Hell on Wheels, where everyone was presented as a stock character with precisely one trait.


rokeon March 21 2013, 20:12:53 UTC
So Pepper has gone from being a strong businesswoman to a disheveled blonde(??) who looks to be wearing her boyfriend's shirt while hiding against his chest. Lovely.

(Also, is it just me or does Ben Kingsley's Mandarin look like he's posing for a hip-hop photoshoot?)


miss_porcupine March 21 2013, 20:20:01 UTC
My initial reaction to the one-sheet was (a) Is she wearing Tony's shirt? (b) is she wearing PANTS? and (c) that doesn't even look like her.

I get that they're trying to show off The Mandarin's rings, but he does look like someone out of a parody sketch from In Living Color.


persephone_kore March 21 2013, 20:34:06 UTC
I am confused now. I haven't been following the promotional materials closely, but I thought the last thing I'd run across was a claim that RDJ had mentioned Pepper was going to be putting on the armor at some point in this movie.


miss_porcupine March 21 2013, 20:41:04 UTC
I hadn't heard that? Maybe you've got better spoiler ears than mine; I am somewhat intentionally not looking for every detail. But everything I have heard has been "Tony has to choose between being Pepper's Tony and being Iron Man" and, even if Pepper does don a suit at some point, this is really crappy advertising because it turns her into a prop. A shirtless prop, too. Which would be doubly offensive if she does become Rescue or whatever.


persephone_kore March 21 2013, 21:19:47 UTC
I haven't been avoiding spoilers, but I haven't been looking for information either, so I'm really kind of at a loss. (It would also help if I had any idea where I found it.)

And yeah, it sounds like stupid advertising. (Also, bleah, cliche. Yes, there's a conflict between hero-ing and normal life, but there are more interesting things to do with it than have the girlfriend argue for hanging up the cape. Not that there's a cape.)


miss_porcupine March 25 2013, 17:00:35 UTC
It seems your ears are indeed better than mine. I am not going to watch the last trailer, but thoughtless blog posts and articles have blown that little secret, so apparently she does suit up. As Rescue or as just putting on Tony's spare, I don't know.


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