if it's friday...

Jun 11, 2010 09:46

Zen. 1961-is-just-another-year edition.

Hanging with the Undertall
* Vietnam: you, strange man, are responsible for my permanent socks and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
* Philippines: bilateral dental exercise
* Malaysia: I dub thee Sir Orange Poodle
* Nicaragua: big dog
* Iraq: backward glance | there might be a bribe involved
* USA: Daddy's home: one | two | three | four | five

Vehicle Pr0n
* Into the blue.
* USS Enterprise (no, the other one)
* USS Harry Truman: aft | port
* Hellcat and Hornet playing nicely together
* Commuter traffic, Navy style
* Post-boom
* Morocco's got some lovely scenery and some fugly F-5s.
* Auss-ome F-18 pr0n from Down Under.
* Putting the sea in Sea Hawk.
* Twenty-first century warfare in 1000 words (or less).

* The Army had a birthday, so it's time to whip out the sword and shout yay, cake!
* Life as a midshipman is about getting hosed. But occasionally you get to learn how to hold the nozzle.
* Shadow forces.
* Soldiers act like soldiers, no matter what the age.
* The French Foreign Legion Nautical course in Djibouti is finally open to female cadets and midshipmen.
* Darth Vader's post-Sith career is as a door gunner on a Black Hawk.
* As they do this time every year, the Americans dropped in on Normandy.
* What a difference time makes: Omaha Beach now. Midway now (it's still covered with marine creatures, though).
* Military Working Animals, awesome dolphins edition: gimme a hug | *sigh* what I do for fish| slap me some skin | fist bump | good job
* Other military working animals... and a dog.
* The other problem with the enemy shooting back is that you have to do paperwork for the bullet holes.
* The rest of the planet is involved in this quaint World Cup business. Deployed British Forces sent their team good wishes.

dod photo zen

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