This is, without a doubt, the dorkiest thing I've done in this fandom. Which does not mean it's not necessary, especially as it was asked for. Just that it's dorky.
The big list of OCs (and near-enough-to-be-OCs) I didn't list every single character I've created; many are contextually obvious. I did not include anyone exclusively from the Qui Habitat universe (say, Corporal Waterman or BM2 Rowell or Carin), but I did note where there were differences between the two timelines (say, Reletti). Throwaway canon characters that I developed further are listed; Lorne is not there, but Cadman and Radner and Kagan are.
There are probably gaps and errors; I was working from my own lists that are a little out of date and from memory. Feel free to let me know.