I realize that you folks are here for the fic, not anything non-fictional I have to say, but sort of feel obligated to show proof of continued existence in light of the fact that I haven't posted much of anything recently.
* Fic, Past:
Dum Vita Est got a far better reception than expected (read: more feedback than usual). It was part of
ronon_love, which was an exchange, and I should point everyone who didn't see to
ileliberte's lovely
drawing of Ronon that I got in return. I think she would like a far better reception than usual, too, if you're so inclined.
* Fic, Present and Future: I'm 4200 words into a story that would probably be almost finished -- or at least at the two-thirds mark -- if I hadn't gone to
seperis and said "hey, should I do a, b, or c (or d, but that's totally random and I'm really just tossing it in because there's no ticky box in email)?" and she not only said "D!! D!!!!" but was also somewhat compelling in her arguments for d. Which is why I'm still at the build-up at the 4200 word mark. Jenn knows, like
pentapus has already figured out, that I'm totally a cheap floozy when it comes to "hey, write this!"
* Speaking of pandering and prostitution... My governors. Merely days after Client #9 (Spitzenfreude -- It was better than Cats, I want to see it again and again!) and his Jersey girl exit stage left, we have our new governor, whose first official act after taking office is to make his big 'inaugural' speech... and then sit down with reporters and tell them all about his and his wife's various affairs. It was all much more about Paterson's sex life than I ever wanted to know, but he did manage to leave out the interesting parts -- that he apparently used campaign funds to pay for his dalliances and managed to get one of his mistresses a job on the government payroll despite there being a statewide hiring freeze. Albany politics are hilarious (in the not-good way) anyway, but
they are about to take a turn for the surreal. The attorney general who went after Spitzer when he was using state police to investigate political opponents (Troopergate) is going to be a lot less interested in going after Paterson for campaign fund misuse because while going after Spitzer was pretty much personal, bringing down Paterson puts someone from the other party in charge. Cuomo's an ambitious idiot, but he's not stupid.
* A happy Purim to everyone celebrating (I'm shlepping metric assloads of hamantaschen around) and a good conclusion to Holy Week for those folks, too.