drabble request roundup

Aug 24, 2007 09:07

There were more requests that I was interested in and I may try to write them in the future, but I have a challenge story to write and Qui Habitat to get back to and RL is starting the whirlwind that won't end until October. So, the final tally:

Plus Ça Change: Lorne gets the gene therapy for reasons less idealistic than feeding his sense of wonderment. Nonetheless, Ancient technology may be easier to understand than his new CO. [3000 words; genfic]

Playlist: Track Five: Suarez takes shit because it's easier than explaining why he shouldn't. [780 words;genfic]

Officers Call: Lorne and Sheppard spend quality non-professional time with the marine officers. [4800 words; genfic]

Status Quo Ante: Set before the prologue to my SG-1/SGA story Qui Habitat. (Not required reading for the drabble.) Earth falls to the Ori more with a whimper than with a bang. [6800 words; genfic]

Ex Nihilo: The marines enjoy violence for its own sake, a primal instinct Ronon has come to live by and has had a very hard time reining in. [3300 words; genfic]

Three times Ronon went on missions with Lorne's team and they all came home in one piece. For the most part. It's a nice place to visit, but he's not sure he'd want to live there. [6000 words; genfic]

put another dime in the jukebox baby, sga

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