tested their weapon on the late, lamented Yasser Arafat, the unholy Zionist Entity has now been using their super-sekrit alien technology once more on the poor, beleagured innocents. But never fear, citizens, the UN is on the case!
Gaza doctors encounter 'unexplained injuries'
....The World Health Organisation (WHO) is considering whether there is a case for an investigation into the injuries amid suspicions by the medics that the injuries were inflicted by what they claim may have been unidentified "non-conventional" weapons.
Beside especially severe burning "down to the bones", the doctors say that, in other cases, internal organs have been ruptured without any obvious sign of shrapnel wounds.
While a report from the Hamas-run Ministry of Health said the injuries raised the possibility Israel could be using "unprecedented" projectiles with "radiant" substances, the medics acknowledge that there is no proof so far of their claims.
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So the Palestinians are trying to manufacture a way to say that the Israelis used phosphorus on them. And, the UN being the UN, they'll probably believe them. As you may recall, Hezbollah tried that in Lebanon last month, producing mysteriously blackened bodies. It was hooey, of course, but nobody cares about the retraction....