shiny happy people

Jan 08, 2007 04:14

I'm happy and relieved to have taken new pictures. Recently, I was browsing through my digital photos and felt real bad that hardly any pictures were display-worthy. I had a challenging semester with sleepless nights and dry skin, so it makes sense that I wasn't taking good pictures. Still, whatever the logical reason, I was depressed about it. Im not shallow for saying that either, haters. Ive just been a photo person my whole life! I have loads of albums marking my trail through various social endeavours, sporting events and trips. I like to look back at that history i've created and feel good when I see happy, smiling faces. Maybe the sleepless nights and bad skin are not neccessarily the culprit somone would say, its just symptomatic of something else. Maybe I just wasnt happy. Is that a no-brainer? I mean, I hope no one reading this who knows me is thinking...duh, you are so obviously sad and ugly, I could have told you that.

Its a new year though. In my opinion, its started out great. There was a lot of drinking, but happy-im-chillin-with-my-girls drinking. I was ever excited to plug in my little camera finding pictures of me and my friends laughing our asses off. I have some classic: not covering up my face even though my nostrils are flared and im laughing like a hyenia pictures, which truly, nothing compares. It feels like a good kick to the year. Better skin, better sleep, better health and better pictures. Seems like everything is backontrack and I can work hard all year not to fuck it up.

January 8th (today) is my moms birthday. My sister and I are going to make some delicious ribs, scalloped potatoes and a salad. I havent figured out what I am going to buy her yet, but I will decide tomorrow. She's great that mom of mine. I really hope to let her know how much I love her tomorrow as I kind of suck at that year round. The next important family birthday after that is Jake's in February. The 8th again.

My brain is a bit numb right now. I am up at this gawdawful hour, but you know what? Its nice. I kind of had a nice day of quiet time to myself despite the jampacked busy day I had and this weird hour im up is all mine. Plus, I rode so much transit today I want to shout it out loud to the world. That half hour bus ride home (plus seabusing and walking) was precious. Maybe another aspiration for this year will be to cut down on my vechicle usage. Sure its convienient, but when I realize I feel THIS good about taking know I gotta get me some more of that. However, my mom actually suggested it was about time I got a new vehicle today. Hmm, this some sort of kizmit? I just ranted about wanting to stop using autos and then i remembered my mom thinking I should get a new one? Am I supposed to be doing something noble here and saying no to the idea of a new car? I'll get back to this another time. But just for the record, my CR-V does have a nasty leak, weird wheel bearing problem and fucked up doors. I gotta be safe, right!?!

Less McDonalds too, on that aspiration note. Its not like I eat there weekly. Hardly! But for some reason, its my go-to food late at night, after drinking or if im up driving in the morning. Okay, maybe that is a lot. But, I mostly just get large drinks (icetea) and a cheeseburger!! I rarely eat the fries.

I get my wisdom teeth removed (all 4) on the 19th. I'm a bit scared of the pain. I usually dont get wimpy, but its the inside of my mouth. Gums, tongue, teeth, bone...I dont want to think about the cutting and removing. Its so awful.

Yeah, I better lay down in bed. I could randomly write all night but my back is aching so im taking that as a sign.

Whoever is out there reading - have a good day, take care and I probably miss you, so call me!
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