My insides are still screaming at me but have ebbed a tad on the scale of massive pain. However, my left eyelid is now swollen and hurty. What the heck is happening to my body? *sigh*
ugh. *hugs* Allergic reaction or infection for the eyelid? upper or lower? I had almost the same thing on my lower left eyelid and it was just irritated by sleeping on it with cat hair on my pillow... for hours and hours.
I looked info up on swollen eyelids and it looks like it may be related to my thyroid. I haven't had that checked in about 6 months + so I'm wondering if that is the cause. And it's the upper lid. It wouldn't bother me much if it wasn't a bit painful to blink. I might say it was due to cat hair except I noticed it after work yesterday, not upon waking up.
Hrm... is it swollen uniformly? Or is there a bump like a cyst or pimple? First thing that came to my mind was that it could be a stye (had'em as a child, annoying things)... but that's only if there's bump. If you wanna take pics, I'd be happy to look through my medical dictionary. It's been awhile since I opened it up. :)
I also had styes when I was little and this is not a stye. :( I hope it's not pinkeye because I've been at work and the gym. I'll see if I can get a pic with my phone and send it to you.
I hope you feel better soon, sweetie. <3
Thank you. :)
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