Throughlines(based on a piece by Noah Wardrip-Fruin)
1. How can we control what we remember and we forget?
2. How does interactive art change how the viewer perceives the piece?
3. How much does personal experience of the viewer affect the perception of the piece?
Lesson Ideas(based on PowerPoint)
1. To introduce powerpoint to students, I would do exactly what I did in class last week when I taught powerpoint. I would start by showing a really bad powerpoint, and a really good powerpoint. I would try and make it funny, so that the learning is not dull. I would also include topics and pictures that would interest my students.
2. I could also use my comparing chart as a fun way to help show what is needed to make a successful powerpoint. I would have students work in teams first to brainstorm good and bad powerpoint traits. Then, each student would come infront of the class and write one trait on a large comparison chart. By having them work in groups first the students would have ideas of what to write on the board, and be more confident when doing so.
3. Lastly, I would show the entire class on a projector the basic steps to making a powerpoint. After an intro, and passing out sheets with the main steps spelled out, I would have my students work in pairs making a short powerpoint based on an animal or favorite sport. Lastly, the students would present the powerpoints to the class.