
May 26, 2012 06:49

I'm awake at 6.30 on a Saturday morning because I have two days of training. Thankfully the training isn't far from home. Most people are meeting at the office of the organisation and getting the coach across, that would have been a crazy idea for me. I could cycle there in that length of time. In actual fact I'm getting a lift with my mum...

I'll be sleeping in an army training camp tomorrow night with a group of people I don't know, fun times.

I do hope to enjoy it all though, despite knowing a lot about the organisation and having to be told all about it yet again, I will be meeting people I'll work with over the summer which will be nice.

I also have some new clothes that I get to wear! Yay nice weather and new clothes!!!

Speak to y'all on Sunday! I shall try to catch up with messages I need to respond to either then or Monday!

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