Holiday Fic, Day 10: Gerald the Leaf for Katy

Jan 10, 2012 22:17

Title: Gerald the Leaf
Author: miss_peg
Rating: G
Summary: Gerald was a leaf.
Notes: More holiday fics! A reminder that whilst many people did them in December I had lots going on (and quite frankly it was a good idea not to do it then as I was highly unmotivated) so I'm doing it in January along with tromana.

Today's story is for Katy's prompt Gerald the Leaf, she wanted some random piece of original here it is! :D Enjoy lovely!

Gerald was a leaf. He lived high up on a tree made of Sycamore with his brothers and sisters. There were hundreds of them and because he was the smallest nobody really noticed that he existed. When it was windy they swayed together, when it rained they took baths and when the sun shone they closed their eyes and enjoyed the warmth that helped them grow.

One day Gerald was minding his own business when something flew up into the tree and hit the branch on which he lived.

‘Ow,’ he shouted, but nobody paid any attention.

Another missile came up into the tree and hit his branch again. He was about to scream out in pain until he realised he was falling. He flapped his body as fast as he could. It was too early; he wasn’t supposed to fall for another week and a half.

‘Help,’ he shouted, but nobody paid any attention.

He landed abruptly on the concrete below the tree. What was he to do now? He couldn’t climb back up because he didn’t have any arms or legs and he certainly couldn’t find another tree to live in.

Suddenly, a boy ran over and picked him up. He wiggled his edges in an attempt to get free but before he could wiggle hard enough the boy dropped him into a bag.

It wasn’t until the bag opened again and the boy turned it upside down that Gerald realised what was inside the bag. Conkers. They were his cousins and every year they would fall down especially for the children to play with. What was he doing there? He wasn’t a conker, this wasn’t his job.

‘Oi, who‘re you?’ shouted one.

‘You’re not a conker, go away,’ shouted another.

Gerald began to feel very sad. Not only had he left his home before he was supposed to but all of his cousins didn’t even know who he was. So he curled up his edges and tried to make himself as small as possible.

Eventually, a bigger boy walked into the room and told the boy that he had to go for tea. Whatever that was. The little boy threw some of the conkers back into his bag leaving Gerald on the table. He looked around in search of something to help him get out of there but there was nothing there.

‘Hey,’ said a little voice. Gerald looked all around him but couldn’t find anywhere the voice could have come from.

‘Hello?’ he asked.

‘Hey, down here,’ the voice said again. Gerald looked down to find a conker attached to his branch. He’d never really noticed him before but there he was sitting on the desk attached to the same piece of wood that he was attached to.

‘Can you help me get out of here?’ asked Gerald.

‘Stick with me and you’ll be fine,’ said the conker.

A little while later the boy came back with a big girl who shouted at him for the mess all over his desk. He promised to clean it up. So the boy picked up Gerald and the conker and carried them outside. When they got there the boy pulled the conker off the branch leaving Gerald all alone.

‘No, wait, come back,’ shouted Gerald, but the conker had already been thrown into the bag with the rest of them.

Suddenly a great big gust of wind lifted him up into the air and he flew across the sky, through the trees until the wind vanished once more and he landed back in his tree.

‘That’s better,’ thought Gerald.

holiday fic, gerald the leaf, fiction

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