Participate in this survey on moon's site

Mar 17, 2004 14:38


My answers (like you care):
1. Why did you get a livejournal? Why do you still have it? (These answers can be the same.)
I got an LJ in order to comment on folks' blogs that don't allow anonymous comments. I still have it so I can rant about my girlfriend without her reading it.

2a. How would you describe your writing style when you post to your journal? (Think particularly in terms of formality and organization.)
My writing generally is in my informal voice although I do follow the rules of paragraphing, punctuation, and capitalization.

2b. If you described your style as more casual, why do you think you write like that?
It's meant to be personal, not professional.

3. Do you/would you ever use your journal for anything besides writing basic journal entries? Explain.
Yes, sometimes I use it to publish events on LJ communities or to encourage activism like the Rainbow Project.

4. Has having a livejournal affected your desire to maintain a paper journal? Explain.
I prefer typing to writing. I've thought about copying and pasting some of it onto my harddrive in word, but it doesn't seem to have much of a point. It's organized this way.

5. Has livejournal shaped the way you think of and use writing?
I certainly write more than I would on my own.

6. Do you read other people's posts all the way through? If you find yourself skimming some and reading others, what is it - either verbally or visually - that compels you to read an entire post?
If a journal entry is just what they did that day, it's kind of boring. I like funny stuff, stuff that makes me think, or to read something different. If it's very long, I may skim, but pictures help.

7. This ties into #3. If you have ever used livejournal - either intentionally or unintentionally - to do any of the following things, please specify which ones:

-make friends in real life
-participate in a debate/discussion
-publicize a place or event
-get a message to someone
-publish a piece of writing

Ummmmm.... actually, I started my Xanga blog in order to communicate with my girlfriend when she lived far from me.
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