Another day in this carnival of souls...

May 20, 2015 19:24

Preparing for a 30 day photo challenge as part of my ‘100 days to complete 10 goals’ challenge that I’m doing with my friend. ^^ What better way to prepare than share some photos?

Athena Rose exploded for the first time this season. <3

My uncle’s two female goats both had twins. This is one of the latest babies. Obviously much older now, but this was taken the day he was born. I wanted to name him Silverstreak, but they named him and his sis, Bonnie and Clyde.

My silkie chickens are hatching me babies! I got 10 total, but I’ve since lost 2. ;_;

Came home from work one day to this. Brawl Bear is hungry. xP

One of the older kids from my uncle’s goats. His name is Jack. You guessed it, his sister is named Jill. I call him ‘Jack Jack’.

Jor-El (whom I affectionately call ‘Moo-Moo’ or ‘Smoochie’) has found a new place to hang out when he’s not outside. My bed. xP

Some new room decor in progress. This spells out ‘Princess Scourge’, of course.

Made myself a necklace, but I think I’m going to tear it apart and remake it a bit shorter, so it looks better with my outfits.

Project previews! The lime green fabric was part of Scourge’s Lockdown themed blankie, which is finished. The Tarn mask template is for cosplaying purposes.

Scourge enjoying sushi with my aunt and me. =D

DJDling nest. Half complete. xP

There is a Kaon lurking in Scourge’s selfie. >:3 Silly baby!

You know that kid that brings home all the animals asking if they can be kept? That is literally my kid. xP

Rung and Osiris settling back in. <3

General Ravage is happy the lair is coming together as intended at long last. ^^’

I took Shockwave out one day and he got so many compliments in a 30 minute span. These dudes were swooning over him.

My friend was making baby hats and scarves for her booth, so I commissioned a scarf (and matching hat) for Scourge. He loves it, but it’s getting to be too hot to wear it. He’ll be prepared come winter time, though!

Burrito Scourge. :3

Helex is so silly.

Scourge found a toy in Target the other day. It reminded him of Lockdown’s spark, so he wanted me to buy it for him to hold. He hasn’t stopped cuddling it since. It lights up too! =D

Just Tarn and Kaon snuggling. ^^

I will never be over waking up to this precious face. <333

Scourgey sharking his snuggie with Helex. It was cold that night!

Nuzzled into his Lockdown themed blankie with a kitty and Helex. ^o^

Scourge wanted a necklace after he saw the one I made for myself, so I made him this one. ^^

Rung waving at someone. xD

After attending the medieval fair, the Tarnlet got to share my scrimp and rice dinner with me!

And then he stole my delicious strawberry slushy!

Scourge hanging with his big sis, Victoria. <333 She’s so in love with him!

“One more day of the work week, mama!” He says every Thursday evening. Wish he could say that tonight, but alas. xD

Got some of my prints from TFCon Chicago hung. This is one.

Here’s another. =D

Should have been sleeping for work, but I was taking cute selfies. Oops. Jazz is totally back there photobombing me. ;D

Scourge and I are so cute! :3

Finally, my sweet bae of a vehicle, Quicksilver. My dream car was a Pontiac Solstice, but they were discontinued and recalled, so I had to find a new dream. Unrealistically, I started crushing on Lamborghinis (thanks Lockdown), but I needed a new realistic dream car. That’s when the newer version of the Cadillac SRX caught my eye. *obscene barking noises* Yeah, I have expensive tastes, sue me. xP I was lined up to get a Kia Forte to get me by until I could get what I wanted and then he appeared out of no where and became mine. <333 True love! xD It still hasn’t soaked in... neither has the fact that I’m in a ton of debt now. xP

My bae’s aft, which is much prettier now without that stupid dealership tag. He gets loads of light aft spankings. Hehehe. xD

Other than all that fun, I’m busy prepping for a busy summer schedule. Tons of cons and events lined up. I’m super excited!!! Also trying to finish some fics. ^^;


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