I don't know what to think.

Sep 27, 2009 22:41

Hello, darlings who happen across this journal ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

nothinghonestly October 13 2009, 21:33:01 UTC
hi :)


miss_ondine October 13 2009, 22:00:14 UTC
Icon twins! Added you. :) How are you?


nothinghonestly October 13 2009, 22:48:25 UTC
:D i know. that's why i added you. i'm okay.. how are you?


miss_ondine October 14 2009, 00:42:20 UTC
Classes are kinda stressful this week but otherwise fine.


_stadtkind_ February 7 2010, 05:20:58 UTC
hi ma'am:)


miss_ondine February 7 2010, 05:58:03 UTC
Hello there. I've added you back btw. :]


barbs89 March 15 2010, 18:04:22 UTC
hii I saw your post on broken_bodies i post there too. am going to add you if thats ok?


miss_ondine March 15 2010, 18:11:19 UTC
Yes, of course. Adding you back. :]


rawrrrrz March 24 2010, 17:44:48 UTC
You just seem like a nice person. :) I added you. My names Paige, I am young, 14 almost 15, but I am mature for my age. :]


miss_ondine March 24 2010, 18:43:51 UTC
Aw, cool. Added you back. :]


laundryandsnow June 11 2010, 02:09:26 UTC
i just read your info, and ive been utterly obsessed with the whole factory scene for years. if you didnt like 'factory girl' i'd suggest 'ciao! manhattan', though i suppose its unlikely you havent seen it. coincidentally, i've just joined broken bodies and loved that you chose the name miss ondine, since it made me smile.


miss_ondine June 11 2010, 03:07:25 UTC
I enjoy Factory Girl as a film, just not so much as a biopic...if that makes sense, haha. I feel like it's too openly pointing at Andy as the person who led to Edie's demise. From reading about her (I recently bought Edie: American Girl, really interesting), it seems apparent to me that she was a very intense and self-destructive person. I think it would have been difficult for anyone to save her from herself.

I have seen Ciao! Manhattan. I like it for how revealing it is, but at the same time it's so sad. Edie is just so broken and burnt out that some parts made me tear up. It really is a shame what drug abuse does to people. I guess that's a sort of obvious thing to say though.

/rambling. I could talk about the Factory--mainly Edie--forever. :P


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