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Oct 17, 2005 09:30

It was a long weekend. Good and bad ... Friday night I went over to visit Cheri and we hung out, smoked and went to TGI Fridays for dinner. We were going to continue on to do other fun stuff but at dinner she decided to have a drink (which she insisted was bitter and added like 6 sugar packets too and then tried to force me to drink once it tasted like pure disolved sugar substitute) which made her all tired and she just wanted to go home to go to bed. Which sucked because I had convinced her to dye her hair dark brown and we were going to do it (I'm a pro at hair dying). I think it will look really nice once we do it. She'll look a lil goth but in a good way. Hmm... then Saturday went out to dinner with April. We made plans to hang out with Josh and Aimee (yay) and watch movies and drink. Well then Jeremy calls and she's like ok I just have to shower and then I'll be right there. WTF. I HATE girls like that. That's why I don't fucking get along with women. They're all nicey nice until some guy comes along and then they all act like fucking jackasses. Grr.... Josh and Aimee came over anyway... we watched a couple of movies .. smoked a bunch. Josh left at like 230. Aimee stayed over, she left at like 10 Sunday morning to drive back home. It was really really fun to see her again. It's been a really long time... Sunday I went to the movies with Josh and Cheri. We say the Fog. Which was kind of lame but not horrible. And I realized going to the movies with them sucks becuase they think every movie is horrible. Blah. Ok back to work.
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