(no subject)

May 23, 2006 22:18

I got annoyed. I guess a few months too late, but they re-aired it, so now I'm getting pissed because I've just found out about it.

Hi Kevin, (Of the Kevin & Bean Show on KROQ)

I could never call in to KROQ for what's your deal because I'm either on my way to work or at work when you do it, but I still wanted to say what my deal is. What was with that Oprah special special the other night? It's ridiculous that she's trying to make everyone all mushy by inviting her wealthy celebrity friends to her big fucking million dollar shindig and expressing her thanks with intensely expensive gifts. Giant diamonds that could choke a medium sized woodland creature. And here are these millionaires crying over these expensive gifts! This is supposed to make me touched? Yeah, we all like you, that's why you're famous. Thanks for rubbing it in our faces that you're better than us. You all can rot in the hell of obscurity and see what it's like to be the rest of us. Poor you, you act and make people all fuzzy inside so that makes you so deserving. God, I want to punch them. You too, Maya Angelou.

BTW: Did I mention I don't work at Borders anymore? I quit. I'm at Bank of America working on loan management now.

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