"20 million animals-frogs, cats, mice, dogs, and others-are violently killed and shipped off to schools, where young people are given scalpels and told to slice up the animals’ bodies as part of biology, anatomy, and other courses." -
http://www.petakids.com/disindex.html It's time to make a difference and speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. There's no excuse for killing animals especially now when there are so many other alternatives. Using detailed models of animal anatomy and computer simulations both provide hands-on experience.
"Biology is the study of life and should teach respect for life, not devalue it by treating living beings as disposable objects." -
http://www.petakids.com/disindex.html Today, there are many opportunities for students to study sciences which are more effective and often less expensive than using actual animals. NAVS is an organization that provides the tools for students to learn through FREE software, FREE CD-ROM, FREE Models, FREE Videos and Anatomical Charts & FREE Books. The only cost is the return shipping and any late fees that may occur. Please Contact NAVS for more information about the resources available to students. (Information below)
National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS)
Please Help make a difference by contacting people in your community. Write to your local Highscools, School District Board of Trustees, and your local Newspaper.