101 things update

Apr 06, 2020 17:58

Once upon a time when we all still went out and did things, I made myself this 101 things list. The deadline is approaching - 19th July! There's still quite a lot of it to do and some challenges may be impossible now, but fortunately I knocked off a few earlier this year:

25. Learn the magic loop method.

I have been knitting a lot of socks recently. Would you like a sock? I could knit you one! (Unless I run out of yarn, the horror.) They are enjoyably quick after the long slog of knitting a jumper for most of last year, and I have just about got the knack of knitting them on one circular needle. My sock-knitting book informs me that I must employ the magic loop method for this, so I guess I have learned it! It wasn't as magical as I was hoping, tbh.

34. Take driving lessons.

Currently on hold, but that's OK - I've been trying to learn to drive since I was 20! I never got very far with my youthful driving lessons, partly because I kept abandoning them to move to Denmark, and partly because I was not much cop and not particularly bothered about ever getting as far as my test. Then I moved to London and decided that cars were pointless, the end. However, a few things that have happened in my world recently have made me consider that it might be good to at least know how to drive, just in case of emergencies; and it might also be cool to acquire at least one adult life skill. So I am taking lessons again, getting up at 6.30 for a few hours of driving round and round the block in Cheam, and I am actually making some progress! Driving is kind of scary and awful, and I really don't want a car; but managing to drive all the way to Croydon and back without injury is a pretty astonishing thing.

38. Find a new drum teacher and take lessons.

I have found a new drum teacher! He is very very Northern and I have to try very hard not to put on a weird Yorkshire accent when speaking to him! We had a few lessons in a practice studio near work, but now we're doing them online, which makes me think he is always in the corner of the room judging me. Unlike driving lessons I think I am getting worse, but at least I'm motivated to practise now.

55. Meet up with four UK friends who live outside London.

I was hoping to use this challenge to catch up with some long-lost friends from school and university times, but it turns out that scheduling things with people in different cities with whom you're only sporadically in touch is not that easy. But I have met the brief: I visited Victoria in Oxford, Rachel in Nottingham, André and Kim in their little village in Kent, and Susan and Ian in High Wycombe. It turns out I don't like High Wycombe at all! But that might just be because I went there on a Sunday via rail replacement bus, and got lost in a park.

68. Go to Sir John Soane’s Museum.

Done! Kevan and I went a couple of months ago. It has a pleasingly odd selection of antiquities and art all shoved into a tiny little house, and some VERY snotty volunteer guides.

50 things done! 51 more to go! Er well, let's see how that goes...

(I'm not sure whether anyone actually read my previous 101 things update, which was full of feats of derring-do, so I will shamelessly link to it again!)

This entry was originally posted at https://miss-newham.dreamwidth.org/14740.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

101 things

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