Now I am done with moving house, being a Scout, turning 40 and other such time-consuming activities, I find myself rather lacking the motivation to do anything much at all. I thought I would make another list of 101 things to do in 1001 days, as the one I started ten years ago was fun, and I'd like to stave off my mid-life crisis for a little longer. I've thought of over 90 things already, so I may as well get started, and add the last few as I think of them.
Behold the list! It ranges from the drearily mundane to the rather unlikely...
1. Grow a lawn. DONE
2. Make a pond. DONE
3. Paint a room a different colour.
4. Grow and eat a courgette. DONE
5. Figure out somewhere for all my CDs to go.
6. Invite 10 different people to visit (not including small children)*. DONE
7. Unpack every box of my stuff and declutter where necessary.
8. Learn a useful DIY skill.
9. Audit my t-shirts and find a use for the ones I don’t want to wear any more.
10. Clean the bathroom every week for a year. (Wooh!) FAIL - ran out of time and I hate cleaning the bathroom!
11. Go to a Sutton Nature Conservation Volunteers event.
12. Go swimming in Waddon. DONE
13. Find where the local library is and join it. DONE
14. Go to all the pubs in Carshalton.
15. Register with a doctor. DONE
16. Register with a dentist. DONE
17. Uncover the mysteries of Epsom. DONE
18. Talk to five people in my street (not including people in shops).
19. Cycle to Croydon. DONE
20. Watch five films at the David Lean Cinema. DONE
21. Crochet a toy. DONE
22. Crochet a granny square. DONE
23. Make a large item of clothing for myself (i.e. not just a hat, scarf or sock)
24. Knit an item of clothing for my god-daughter. DONE
25. Learn the magic loop method. DONE
26. Get my pouffe reupholstered.
27. Get my sewing machine taken away by the charity who send tools to Africa. DONE
28. Make something out of wood. DONE
29. Light a fire.
30. Close the Barclays account I never use.
31. Work through all the exercises in my German grammar book.
32. Go to a yoga class. DONE
33. Go to a life drawing class.
34. Take driving lessons. DONE
35. Do an Excel course. DONE
36. Learn five guitar chords.
37. Do a random course at City Lit. DONE
38. Find a new drum teacher and take lessons. DONE
39. Learn 5 poems off by heart.
40. Learn to identify 15 trees.
41. Make a cake with chickpea water in it. DONE
42. Make some jam.
43. Make seitan.
44. Make 5 recipes from each cookbook on my shelf. If I can’t find 5 things I want to make, take the book to a charity shop.
45. Go to the Eritrean restaurant near Clapham Junction. FAIL - it's closed down!
46. Go to an Ethiopian restaurant with Sonja.
47. Try three other cuisines I don’t know.
48. Go vegan for a month. DONE
49. Give up alcohol for a month. DONE
50. Give up caffeine for a week.
51. Give up sugar for a week. DONE
52. Go to Iceland with Kevan. DONE
53. Go camping in Denmark.
54. Visit friends in Aarhus and Odense. DONE
55. Meet up with four UK friends who live outside London. DONE
56. Make a Twitter bot.
57. Play an Xbox game. DONE
58. Play 101 board games. (including card games, word games etc). DONE
59. Back up everything on my computer to a hard drive and then get a new one.
60. Apply for a cat.
61. Go on the Olympic park slide. DONE
62. Go on a duck bus. something else!**
63. Go on the underground train at the Post Office Museum. DONE
64. Go to Abbey Mills Pumping Station.
65. Go to the German pub in Kennington.
66. Go to the theatre in London. DONE
67. Go to a classical music concert. DONE
68. Go to Sir John Soane’s Museum. DONE
69. Go to Southall.
70. Visit the Heath Robinson museum. DONE
71. Walk the Wandle path.
72. Go kayaking. DONE
73. Go to the Lewes fireworks. FAIL but maybe I'll go another year.
74. Climb a mountain.
75. Walk from Rye to Hastings.
76. Go to Dungeness. DONE
77. Go up a high thing (e.g. Go Ape or the Brighton zip wire).
78. Organise a karaoke trip.
79. Go dancing with Goths.
80. Go and watch a sports event. DONE
81. Draw 101 pictures in the 642 Things to Draw book.
82. Draw a cartoon.
83. Read 10 books from the Classics section.
84. Perform in a musical group. DONE
85. Give blood 5 times. DONE
86. Teach a child of my acquaintance how to do a thing.
87. Read a book in French.
88. Get an interesting haircut. Or maybe just a haircut. DONE
89. Go to a Quaker meeting.
90. Do the Crisis food hygiene course and volunteer as a kitchen assistant. DONE
91. Apply for 10 jobs.
92. Run for 1 kilometre (that seems like enough).
93. Go to the Half Moon in Putney. DONE
94. Make a Christmas pudding (or possibly some mincemeat).
95. Get some damn curtains in my damn living room, dammit! DONE
96. Drink the following: bubble tea; dandelion and burdock; a lager shandy, Vimto. DONE
97. Make rye bread. DONE
98. Do a thing with my dad. DONE
99. Do a thing with my mum. DONE
100. Try another new sport.
101. Secret thing! To be revealed if I actually do it...
*Small children are welcome too, I just won't count them towards the total.
**The duck bus has stopped going in the water! I will think of another interesting form of transport to take instead.
I started doing some of these things yesterday so my deadline is 19th July 2020. Worryingly, that feels quite soon...
If anyone would like to accompany me on any of these tiny adventures, or has a suggestion for another thing, please apply below! I will post a few updates along the way, so if you wouldn't mind feigning a little interest, that would be very encouraging.
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