Yesterday was the deadline for my 101 things in 1001 days list. Did I finish everything on the list, or is a LITANY OF FAILURE? Here follows a lengthy summary...
You've done much better at this than I have! I was inspired by your list to go and look at mine, which apparently was supposed to be completed by December 2, 2008. I don't think I even looked at it after about 3 weeks of making it! I never even got as far as posting it on LJ.
Perhaps you could specify the nice thing that you want to do for each member of your family. Then you know if you've done it, rather than perpetually feeling like you haven't.
Also you should get your company to send you on an Excel course if it's useful for your job.
Yes, for the next list I have started pondering things I might do with my parents, though my brother is a trickier matter. As for Excel, oh, the head of IT was going to send me on a course, then he decided to save money by giving me a book instead, and then he forgot to do that.
Comments 23
(I'm still trying to remember all the words to "Un Homme" in proper order, it's sung so *fast*!)
Perhaps you could specify the nice thing that you want to do for each member of your family. Then you know if you've done it, rather than perpetually feeling like you haven't.
Also you should get your company to send you on an Excel course if it's useful for your job.
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