Someone likes the sound of their own voice today

Jan 10, 2004 14:07

I am back from Falmouth, supposedly to keep tjej in order, though as soon as I got back she informed me she was going to see Justin Timberlake without me (unforgiveable, even if someone I've never met is providing the tickets), did my hair so that I resembled MC Kinky and made me watch a dreadful film that Claire Danes couldn't salvage. I don't know.

I miss Falmouth, where nobody walked into me for five days. All the London people made sure to do so as soon as I got back, just to remind me. The train journey is so lovely that it is almost worth having one of my favourite people at the other side of the country; I saw the Tamar bridge, the sea, some red cliffs and rocks, and pylons standing in fields full of water.

However, just to have a break from the complaining, I phoned supervisor Rob ("Hi... Jo...") and told him I didn't want to work on Fridays any more. And he agreed! What joy it is to be a temporary worker. So now I have Fridays free to go to sign language classes and Brownies and maybe learn to drive and be less crazy than I was in the autumn. Look at me, I'm taking time out for personal development. I am a jammy bastard and you may indeed kick me.

transport surveys, falmouth, newham house

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