Crikey, I may be using up all my fun tokens for the next three months by having
tjej in the house and being about to go to Falmouth. I will probably have to cry and eat gruel for the rest of January to make up for it. Still, all good so far. I have experimental hair and have spent much of the afternoon trying to eat a cake which looks like noodles and tastes a bit like sweet battered stir fry. We only bought them because we couldn't work out what the hell they were, so I can now recommend this as a sales technique if you too should make a particularly minging cake.
The potential housemates are getting worse. Yesterday we had a girl whose brother-in-law did all her speaking for her, and today we had a creepy man who wanted us to pick him up from the station. Second recommendation of the day: if ever you should go room-hunting in London, BUY A MAP FIRST! You'll live a longer and happier life as a result.
Apparently a pessary is such a wonderful thing that it makes you want to get thrush. Who knew? I've wasted so much time!