Oh bollocks. Once again I am too tired to write about Iceland. Perhaps I should just say that I had a good time and have done with it, I dunno. Or maybe next week.
We phoned Rob and demanded information, and he admitted that indeed, the bus survey was carrying on for another two days next week. That fair took the spring out of my step, but no matter, two days I can do. I am trying to matchmake the two prettiest members of the crew by ignoring them so that they will be forced to talk to one another all the time, and perhaps love will blossom in the face of adversity. What else can I do to bring them together? Apart from the time-honoured Jon method of getting incredibly drunk, pulling people to one side and saying "What do you think of x then? I think he fancies you!". Which would be effective if he didn't do it with every person he knows until they crack under the pressure and start going out with someone just to shut him up. I am his only success story so far! But I digress.
Rachel came round this evening and it was quite like old times. I ended up playing her
martylog's accordion mp3s, and she enjoyed them so much that she stayed until quite late and had to spend £14 on a taxi home. Perhaps a refund is in order?
Here is Mount Esja, across the bay from Reykjavik. Iceland is too darn photogenic for its own good.