better late than never....

Jun 01, 2006 21:12

I've been working on these off and on over the last week between work, the boy, preparing music for a funeral and hawaii responsibilities. so i guess its bett late than never.

1. Travel -- Where have you not gone in the US that you want to go? Why not? Do you have plans to go there?
I was born in CA, but I don't remember it. So since I haven't gotten to make memories there I would like the opportunity to do so. I think I’d also like to visit Georgia, Las Vegas, Atlantic City, or Philly. IF I get the internship in Chicago, I can mark it off the list, too.

2. Religion -- Which is more important for you in terms of religion and its practice--security, community or continuity of tradition?
I’d say community. I don’t mind change and I do not believe that ultimate security can be foudn in the church. I like to think of religion as a check point station in life. Its that place where you can go to evaluate your journey and take the opportunity to change course if you choose. That’s why the idea of community is the key factor for me. I like walking into a room where people are glad to see you ... and they let you sing

3. Family -- How is Fat Dog? I somehow miss descriptions of the antics of Fat Dog...
That’s because Fat Dog was put to sleep last fall. At 43 lbs our little beagle just couldn’t handle it anymore. She was a fully grown dog with graying at her snout when Mike found her,and then kept her for another 11 years. I think she had a good life. When Gma and Gpa went to the nursing home Fat Dog began losing weight and sleeping more often. Ultimately, she died around August and was buried under the Virgin Mary statue in the back yard. It was her favorite digging spot in the shade.

4. Love -- The new boy...does he have a name?
Yes- Karl. The more I get to know him, the more he reminds me of you, Justin, Russ and Carl. He has 3 tattoos and 4 piercings. Curly blonde hair and green eyes. He’s marched the Troopers for DCI (bass drum 5). Karl has a great inner four year old that splits with his 40 year old dad inside. So between tickle-fests and conversations on the greater meaning of life. He just might be perfect for me... for now. His only negative is that he smokes.
It occurred to me that most of the major men in my life always seemed to make empty promises. I was trained to believe the promise, but not be too be upset when they never came true. I’m getting used to the idea that so far...Karl is a man of his word.

5. Sex -- Where is the one place that you love to be touched the most, and if there is one, the least?
The progression from my upper spine to my neck. I’m pretty tactile so anywhere is usually good, but the movement from spine to neck ever so slowly with his breath ( or lips) mmmm yeah that’s good stuff. As for “bad touches” I admit I am still sensitive about my love handles, or muffintops, as my friend Diane calls them. I am working on it.

6. Hobbies -- You're always been the talented girl of many tricks. Have you picked up any new hobbies or fun tricks that you do in the last year and a half?
I have become quite good at the penny slots at Thunderbird Casino. Perhaps this year I’ll graduate to nickels. I gained a high F# that consistently comes out now. And I am currently learning how to drive a standard. Oh and he's teaching me tennis! HA!

7. Pets -- I guess since I asked the Fat Dog question for family, I'll ask how your sister is in this question. Has she come out of the closet/found a boy that she really likes yet?
Nicole has found a man at work named Michael. After observing him for over a year she has decided that he has the potential to evoke a sense of attraction within her. She talks to him regularly, but so far no dates yet. I’ve been encouraging her not to think too much, just to take chances and embrace her impulses. She has branched out and drank half a margarita this year. So although slow, there is progress.

8. Friendship -- What are some things that a stranger does when you meet them that clues you into whether or not you might be friends?
If they are confident enough to start a conversation. If they smile and give the impression that they are simply evoking the most entertainment out of any situation for the purpose of joy and not humiliation then I generally give them a shot at friendship. However I firmly believe that you must be a friend to earn a friend.

9. Literature -- Who's the character you've most admired out of all the books you've read?
I remember liking the main character from “A BRAVE NEW WORLD.” He was found outside the compound of Alphas and Betas. His mother had run away from there and gotten pregnant by a man from the “wilderness.” This guy never aimed to harm anyone. He simply wanted to learn as much as he could from the world around him, dare to love, dare to defy “the man” and live a life of self-governed peace. He fought to the death for what he believed in. Betrayed in love and society he lived a life without regret. At least that’s how I remember it.

10. Movies -- Would you ever act in one, or are you a stage-only girl?
If the opportunity was right and the script was good, sure. I imagine as an artist that it would have its pros and cons. In movies you film usually out of sequence so you have to keep track of your emotional growth from scene to scene. In stage work, you have to take the same emotional journey every night. Some scenes require you go to a place that you’d rather not go to regularly. But you do it for the art...and sometimes the therapy and learn about yourself along the way.

11. Home town -- What did you think about it before you left for Murray? And now how do you see it?
Before I left Murray, I saw Perryville as a small minded community that defined itself by the legacies of local farmers. I was an out of towner from a broken home. Although I gave willingly and intended harm to noone I always felt shut out and unaccepted- a servant to the town, but never a full citizen.
Now I realize that it wasn’t any worse than any other home town. When Your ideas grow beyond the framework of your environment, everything seems smaller and less worthy of your time. I have no desire to go back. My ten year reunion is coming up. I am proud of what I have done since 1997 but have no desire to spend a weekend trying to communicate that to people who are only interested in my weight, my marital status, and whether or not I am impressed by their wedding photos and baby pics.

12. Physical Appearance -- What's the thing you like the most about your physical appearance? The least?
I like my the power behind my eyes, my girlish smile, my toned legs, and the depth of my belly button. However, I am working on loving my muffin tops.

13. Volunteer Work -- If you decided to start a charity, what kind would you start and who would it benefit?
I would start a scholarhsip fund for the average Joe. YOu know that kid- the one who hasn't had some horrific accident in his life, doesn't suffer from any incurable disease. (S)he's just your average kid who works hard in school and deserves to be rewarded with an easier step into and through college.

14. Life Goals -- How have your goals changed since you left Murray?
I still want to sing. I don't think that will ever change. But I'm doing it now for the joy of it and not to prove someone else wrong. I left Perryville with alot of bitter resentment towards those that encouraged me to feel "less than". However I was quite lucky in finding a fabulous group of friends who adopted me into their family of "nerdom" and helped me feel equal. Gosh, how everything in high school that used to matter now seems so trivial. As for the goals, my life goals haven't changed, only my confidence in acheiving them. I will sing professionally. I will travel the world. I will find love and raise a family. The big quesiton is: what do I NOT want to do?

15. The World -- If you were choosing a place in the world to settle outside of the US, where are two or three places that you'd consider? Where would you immediately count out of the running?
I'd like to revisit Italy. I've always been fascinated by New Zealand and Ireland. Canada feels like to much of USA, however I love the dialects in Britain. I'd love to sing in the great opera houses of germany and austria, but i'm not sure I want to settle there. I want to go to Africa, too. Again, i do not feel i can decidedly answer thsi question until I have explored more of the world outside The good ole USA. I'll get back to you on this one.
So there you go... feel free to pick my brain again any time.

question s from ches

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