(no subject)

Jan 28, 2009 15:37

Since I said to a friend that she can kick me if I forget to update my lj again, here's something from me.

School is definitely... strange. I know it's just the first week but... it feels like it's just meaningless stuff...

And English is laughable, really... when I look at my classmates, I'm one of the best speakers there, I think. (At least one subject I'm going to ace, yeah :D) My friends already said that I'm their English dictionary *laughs*. I really need to order a button with "Im an English dictionary!" some day and put it on my "signature bag".

I still have to get used to my way to work, I need half an hour with public transport to my school.... but it's in an interesting part of Hannover, it's just in walking distance to our Landtag (state parliament) and that fact had me going "Huh? What??? Cool!" :D

Hm.... and I bought a new mp3-player this week, since my old one was stuck on shuffle which kinda sucks since I've started listening to audio fanfictions.

So... enough of my ramblings, I think I'll do some new icons now! I've got a whole load of screencaps of my newest favourite which are perfect for icons :D

real life, school

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