Random stuff

Jan 27, 2015 21:59

For the second time, I met the love of my life today. Nursing school is totally turning out to be one of the best decisions ever.

Today was our clinical orientation at UCI Medical Center. I had to call the service desk cuz I forgot my login. The guy helping me said he would send me an email so I could reset my password. I waited for a while but it didn't come so I called again. When I told him it was me, he said, "Oh I was just talking to you." He sent it again but the system still couldn't find my login. I called back a third time. I said, "Hi BJ, it's me again." "What's going on?" he asks me, laughing. He told me he would remote log into the computer I was working it. When the screen started to change and mouse moved, I said, "Whoa it's moving. Is that you?" "Yeah that's me." We giggled. He said he would have to ask me a few questions to verify that it was really me. He asked me what is my birthday. After I told him, I said, "I'm a scorpio." "Ok Miss Scorpio, what is your..." OMG. He was playing along with me. And when he put the cursor into the login, he types "hi". OMFG. I don't think I have ever smiled as hard as that moment where I was sitting at the nurses station reading that. I said "hi" back to him on the phone. "Just kidding," he said to me. While he was reseting things for me, the nurse next to me started to talk really loudly. "Whoa. She sounds angry," he says to me. "Yeah. Oh she's getting up. She's walking away. She has a lot of papers," I started to narrate for him. He just went along with it. Hehe. After I got everything in order, he says, "OK good luck in school. Don't forget your login. Call if you need anything." BOOM.

I was practically skipping when I was walking out the hospital. I was so giddy that I got breathless when I was telling my friends about what happened. Literally breathless cuz I was so silly. His voice though. If it were physically possible to make love to a voice, I would fuck his voice from here to space. This is how I described his voice to Nic: His voice is the green eyes of voices. It was soft, deep, and masculine. OMG it was like sex in my ear. I'm in love. So in love. I was telling my friends this is my love story, that everyone has a cute love story and this is gonna be mine. I called IT, he answered, and we got married. It's a modern fairy tale.

This is definitely one of the stories for the books. I love what nursing has done for me. First, Mr. RNFA. And now BJ from UCI Medical Center service desk. I'm going to sleep happy tonight.

random, good things, emotions, nursing

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