I swear, Valjean/Javert is going to be the death of me. It's been ages since a fandom/pairing gave me so many ~ feels (as the Tumblr people say) and it's a bit too intense to be entirely pleasant. The Les Mis kink meme is both helping and not helping, and it's moving so fast. /slightly overwhelmed
Also, for the first time I'm experiencing that 'book canon fan' vs. 'movie canon fan' divide from the other side, i.e. the movie canon side, and it feels a bit strange. Sure, there are so many iterations of Les Mis that no one stage/film adaptation can be said to be the 'correct' one; yet I feel, idk, a bit superficial? It's not like the 2012 movie was my first introduction to Les Mis -- I'd seen the musical and the 2000 miniseries and read excerpts of the novel -- but it's the first incarnation I've felt fannish about (apart from loving the music), because something about it just scratches my id. And I think I have some internalised literary snobbery issues to deal with, because I can't help feeling that my fannishness would be somehow more respectable if I'd read all of The Brick, preferably in French. And I could do that; in fact, I probably should, because I'm certainly missing out on something by not doing it, but I'm just not... in the mood to make it a priority, at least not at the moment. I mean, is the novel going to give me Hugh Jackman in a waistcoat?
Basically, I think I now understand what it's like to come into Sherlock Holmes fandom via Guy Ritchie-verse or BBC Sherlock, or being a fan of the Narnia movies rather than the books. I don't think this should be a problem as long as I tag any fics I write as 'Les Misérables (2012)', thus making it clear I'm not aspiring to be faithful to Victor Hugo, but... I still sort of feel like a cretin.
Anyway, thanks to the kink meme I found
this hilarious parody of Kate Beaton's '
Ooh Mister Darcy' strip, which of course is awesome in itself. *loves* There's
an Enjolras/Grantaire version too.
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