1) Someone picked a prompt I'd left for
hp_friendship and wrote a touching story about Argus Filch and Mrs. Norris:
A Bit o' Magic. I've often wondered about the backstory of these two and I loved the way the Mystery Author handled it, showing us the devotion between man and cat. If you're like me and enjoy stories in which Filch is treated sympathetically, do give this one a chance!
2) I finally saw
The Eagle, and WOW -- I'd heard it was slashy, but that doesn't even come close to describing it. Seriously. Just look at
the scene where Marcus first sees Esca: there's swelling music and lingering camera shots and Marcus just can't tear his eyes away, and... Just, omg, there's no way that's not a 'love at first sight' scene. And then Marcus saves Esca from being killed and is all 'I don't know why I did that' afterwards. Oh, Marcus. You'll realise soon enough. *g* And when Marcus wants Esca to take the Eagle and go on, and Esca is all I'M NOT LEAVING YOU... Oh, my heart. <3 And from the ending it's clear they're going to stay together, even though they're both free now and technically could part ways without problems. If they were a het couple, the movie would have ended with a wedding and no mistake.
I should probably read the book, as well, except that I understand that book!Marcus has a love interest (other than Esca, that is) and I'm not really much of an OT3 person, especially not when I'm already shipping two members of the potential OT3. For now, I think I'll be content basking in happily-ever-after movie!canon fic, no matter how heretical that might be -- given that the movie came out last year, there's no chance of my obtaining any hipster cred about it anyway. *g*
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http://miss-morland.dreamwidth.org/85403.html. You may comment there, if you like.